Tuesday, October 18, 2005

sneaky family

something fishy is going on...
my lil sis came over today w/ a card for me...
signed by my sis-n-her's, my bro-n-his, my mom&dad...
(i hear my hubby's in on it too)...
it said they were PROUD of me, will keep cheering me on...
and that SOMETHING is on it's way.........

i have ideas..........
what about you?

'tis funny...it gave me new inspiration. you know, for me, the running isn't the only component in this new chapter of mi vida. there is the wt loss. but m'sis was a bit inspiring on her own today. we talked about how food issues, wt issues, self-love, self-loathing...all these are idols. we don'wanna have any of these as Christians. i know that ANYTHING that comes betwixt me and my God is SIN. i KNOW that includes obsessing about wt, etc. it's just a plumb HABIT...born and bred of YEARS of obsessing! good grief, gerdie! like almost THIRTY years! 'tis pure craziness! we are trying to forge new habits.

'course, it does no long-term good if i replace one habit w/ another...w/o going thru the Lord! i think i've already sorta crushed that ... cuz i have not been running to make up for calories eaten. i've been eating the same as i was b4 running...for the most part. morning coffee w/ milk and sometimes fruit; normal lunch (salad, chicken); same for dinner...like vegies and protein. no eating after about 6 most days.

anyhoo, i was just reading a book...Running w/ Angels by Pam Hansen (i think) ... she's a mormon gal (i'm not) who lost 100# and started running ( i can't figure out where in her wt loss she started running ) ... i found it cross-referenced w/ the non-runner's guide to marathon (training?)....cuz she got her training schedule from that book. well, the point in there i want to make here, is that her CHEERING section of family and friends was so inspiring!! she wrote about crying & crossing the finish line of her 1st marathon to her fam/friends there...and i actually had TEARS IN MY EYES and chills on my spine! (well, i know your mind does funny things in long runs...at 8 miles the otra dia, my mind was mush...i felt kinda fog-like...so at 26?? i think i'll be crying too...WHEN i ever do it!)

so, mi familia did the same for me today. thnx, guys...for whatever it is....
we shall see, eh?
in Him,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you only knew what I know . . you would be surprised!!! If you only knew what I know . . you would be surprised!!! If you only knew what I know . . you would be surprised!!! If you only knew what I know . . you would be surprised!!! If you only knew what I know . . you would be surprised!!! If you only knew what I know . . you would be surprised!!!

8:14 PM  

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