Saturday, October 15, 2005

1/2 marathon

H brought up today, the idea of doing 1/2 a marathon the end of next month! November.
i was planning on doing the col.classic which is 10 mi on 11-19. how's about i just wait a couple of wks and do a whole 13?? would i, could i, in the rain? would i, could i on steep TERRAIN? (there's that word again) CUZ i think she said it was in seattle! ugh-a-lug! well, now, that is SUMPIN' to think about!

remember i said my 'dream' (my pseudo-dream!) was to run the indian summer 1/2 marathon? well, i was planning the 10 mi col.classic cuz it was the longest around and would fit right into my training schedule (as long as i wasn't planning on running it for a medal). well, i could just wait a few wks and do the seattle thing instead!


could i?
should i?

i need to investigate whether or not you can wear/use headphones in any of these races. i'd do better w/ them in....more relaxed. more fun.

fun fun fun running in the Son! the weather here in eastern WA is GO-Jus!!! at 555 in the a.m 'tis a tad chilly...but rest o' day it's vunderbar. and the sky lately....beee-you-tee-ful! nothin' better than the eastern sky at sunset! love it! thank You, God!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GO GIRL!!!! Does that mean you will not do the team thing in a week or so? I am not clear from you BLOG - The team event is the one I was wondering about your route and cheering for you etc. I think you gave me directions for your "hot tub run" - - dunno. More later, tons of luv . . mmmmmmmm

8:35 PM  
Blogger kt said...

i'll have to clear that up. no, the seattle 1/2 mara would take place of the nove19th col.classic of 10 miles.
the welch's is october 30th. on a sunday!'d have to miss choch!
yes, i was giving you directions for my 8mile route to end up at your abode for hot tub leisure!

8:51 PM  

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