Friday, October 14, 2005


i have been notified, and am duly (?am i a doula?) rectifying the following MISINFORMATION...

a few posts ago ("wed short run"), whilst praising the bennies of not-eating-late-at-nite, i wrote that i thought i spied EVIDENCE in the sink that my dh had EATEN late the nite before. he gets off work late & needs to wind down. he watches the tube, does computer stuff, dinks around w/ the guitar or modifies it, or records or SOME SUCH THING.

this TIME USED TO include eating! BUT he's made a big change in his life. it has helped me quit the late nite eating too. (most of the time=)) he also bikes to work does sit-ups, push-ups: getting in better shape all-around. since June, when he got sick for a week (sickness kicked off a new way of living) he has lost 20-30# ( i can't keep it straight...all i know is he was losing & i was not!) feels great! looks great! i applaud him! good job, honey!

WELL, that bowl in the sink turned out NOT TO BE HIS. he was apalled that i'd written that in my blog & wanted me to change it. thus this post! i will go into that post to take that out...but for those who would never go back to read that one again (why would you?) i needed to do it here!

that bowl in the sink was MINE from the day b4!! too funny. who'd-a-thunk i'd get myself in this pickle??!! funny!

onward and upward!


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