Wednesday, October 12, 2005

wed short run

so, went out this morning...again w/ the approx 7 minutes to get the jiggles out. but shin pain and a little left knee pain obvious from the beginning. sad. it is seriously depressing. i am thinking i might have to buy another pair of shoes that has lots more cushioning and alternate them. i don't want to be depressed. the money depresses me and the pain does. if it keeps me from training.

and of course, IT HURTS. there's no denying it. my dear bro is pretty concerned. don't worry about me, g! i love you and thank you for your concern. but stop reading if it bugs you too much. i will eventually go talk to someone if i cannot remedy this on my own.

but money money money. i hate money. it's ONLY $15 co-pay to see a doc...prob $25 if it's a specialist. but it doesn't stop there. in the 1st place, you prob have to go to your 'real' doc to get a referral. cha-ching. 2nd you go to the specialist. cha-ching. then you might have to go elsewhere (cha-ching) or you may need to buy some orthodics (CHA-CHING-A-LING-DING) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!

i'm trying to head that all off w/ ice and prayer! prayer changes things, ya know! He made me, He can heal me...He can lead my down the right path....Lord, show me what to do. guide me and direct me.

okay, so, before sunrise today, dd(6) and i headed out. she on her bike. i dint have a route planned. just shot for about 30mins, knowing that'd be about 3 miles. round and round our neighborhood. it wasn't bad. i was SUPER slow. i'm babying my legs, so my stride is like i'm 4'11"! and except for those first 7 minutes, (weird huh?) i was never huffing. we got to watch the pinks and mauves move across the sky...beautiful how they paint the clouds! i love the eastern washington sky! so do my kids. it wasn't bad.

and GUESS what? i came in, got my coffee and we went right out to drive the route. i thot 4 sho it'd be 2.5. it was 3! so, pain and all, got my miles in.
glory be (to God!)

stats: wed. 10-12-05
miles: 3
minutes: 32
miles/min: 10.7
pain: medium
pain now: med-high (walking around house)
other factoids: DINT eat late! had some apple cut up w/ bit'o'cheese melted atop. water. resisted eating cereal w/ kids for din late at like 7pm. milk over nite--not so good in tum-tum on morn run.

I'M TELLIN ya: it's a great deal: no eating after certain time. i read a long time ago it was 7 p.m. well, i'm sure it depends on when you go 2 bed and when you get up. and what you do when you get up! it helps me that B is doing it.

**i got asked yesterday if i'm stretching. not so much. trying to do more now. but i can't really stretch my inner shins. so i'll keep icing. this means i have to sit more. read to kids more. good!

see ya! God Bless!


Blogger Amber said...

Oh hon, I hate it that you are in pain! I had shin pain when I first started ... it went away. I like to think it was my new shoes ... something I did to proactively fix it. But in reality it very well could have been a time thing too.

Stretching is very important! There is a stretch you can do that will affect the shins. Take your shoes off ... stand on one foot holding onto something for support ... take the other foot and act like you are going to stand on tippy toes but curl your toes under. This is not a stretch to push though. If it hurts, lessen the stretch.

The knee pain is something different. Is it on the outside of the knee? That might be that IT band syndrome. I have talked to a few people recently that have had it. They strongly recommend icing it. And stretches. The first one that I know of is to stand up with your legs crossed and reach down to touch your toes. The other one is to lay down on the floor ... bend your knee ... put your other leg over that knee ... and then pull your knee (under) towards you.

I'm praying for you sweetie ... that you will be able to run through the pain ... and that the pain will go away quickly!!!

12:38 PM  

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