Tuesday, October 11, 2005


i feel so out of sorts on my 'rest day!' i feel sluggish. yesterday after my SEVEN MILES i was on a euphoric high all day long! it was gggreat! (like tigger.)

today, i made sure the kids and i took a walk after lunch-ola...and i'm wearing my good shoes (my all-day shoes to keep the heel problems of a barefoot gal at bay) like a good girl...now the kids and i are going to have q.t. (we've always had it but I'VE never laid down until recently when i discovered the huge bennies! i only need 15-30 mins of shut-eye)(then coffee sometimes)...then do our schoolwork.

sound good? well, honestly, it's a little hard for me w/o that high from yesterday. a run gives me an all day high. i feel more at ease, more sure of myself, more confident in my choices. more able to resist temptation (for me, the old eating habits)...i'm more patient w/ the kids...more clear in the head. i love the all-day feel of the muscles that were used. this far into my running habit, i'm not sore all day ..not at all. but, like after yesterday's 7 miles, i did feel a little...like in my hip-area muscles all day. and that's a "GOOD HURT" as i've always called it. i LOVE that feeling. it's not pain, just a sore muscle meaning it got used! in a new way.

i'm resisting the urge to go out & do a run after all today. i could take the kids on their bikes, we could go run a path. i COULD do it today instead of in the morning...but i'm mindful of my sore shins and my heel pain. i really want to stay on schedule and that is not to run today. today is 'rest day.'

DISCLAIMER: {the good thing about a blog for me to lay down my brain barf, instead of an individual email to a friend? it is: reading this is VOLUNTARY! you don't HAVE to read it. whereas, if i sent you a personal email, you feel obligated to read it and return it, questions answered, comments made. if you decide to read my blog, however, of your own free will, you may quit reading at any time, you may or mayn't make comments...but it's all on your own. that is why i will not apologize for repetition or long posts. it is my blog. i'm blogging here! and i bet my friends will thank me. they mightn't have to read my novels anymore! =) anyhoo, i know i keep stating that it is rest day...i'm solidifying it in my own mind...and that is that!} hoo-HOO!

so, according to the schedule that amber sent me, and tweaked how it works in my life, this is what it is now:
monday: long run (this wk 7 miles next wk 8)
tuesday: rest day
wednes: short run (3miles)
thursday: medium run (this wk 4 miles next wk it ups to 5 after WEEKS of 4)
friday: rest day
saturday: short run (3 miles...but this is my wild card day as it's the one i meet w/ friends to run...i think lots of them do their 'long run' that day...so it gets pushed to 4 and beyond. haven't yet figured out how to deal w/ this.....i could have 2 shorts during the wk and a medium on sats...but then i have the long on monday and i wonder if that's too close together. dunno)
sunday: rest day

stats: i'm down a couple of pounds! someday i could possibly post my wt but i don't see that day in the near future! i will say that i've lost 36.2 poundages since last november! almost been a yr.

signing off and have to give glory and honor and PRAISE to my Lord Jesus Christ! amen!

He truly is my All in All...my sweet Saviour. the Gentleman Who stood KNOCKING at my heart's door, waiting patiently for me till I opened that door. He NEVER barges in. He loves me, which is more than i deserve. He died for me. He absolves me of my sin. And He never leaves nor forsakes me. He is always with me. I feel that acutely. WHAT MORE COULD I ASK FOR?

He has given me a wonderful husband whom i GET TO love and hold and cherish (and take care of) daily (an honor in itself). He has blessed me with 3 beautiful children whom i have the honor of loving and caring for daily...joining w/ my dh to bring them up in the ways of the Lord...NOT TO MENTION He has allowed us to live in this wonderful country where we can freely home-educate them! What glorious freedom and whatta priviledge! Not to be taken lightly. Any more than it is a priviledge (not2Btaken lightly) to be a CHRISTIAN & PROCLAIM IT FREELY! What a wonderful country we live in. These freedoms were hard won, are hard won daily, and we dare not forget that nor take it for granted!!! Thus saith katie!

thanks for reading! i know it's long. but i will not apologize. i love writing. =) hugs!


Blogger Amber said...

I just love reading your blogs ... but then I always loved getting emails from you too. I'm just glad I still get the occassional email. So now instead of responding to your emails I get to respond to your blogs ... and my responses are always almost as long as your originals :)

Don't you just love the runner's high. I guess it is a physical thing. I was just thinking it was a mental high because I got to say all day long I just ran blah blah miles.

And I love the good hurt, there is definately a difference!!!

No running on rest day ... control yourself girly ... you can do it ... you can rest. I can see how a walk with the kiddos would be a good thing though or some other kinds of mild exercise besides running. Those running muscles need a chance to relax or you are gonna burn yourself out. Make sure you ice ... frozen peas work great for this. I never before thought that I would have any use for frozen peas but now I have my freezer stocked. Well two packs ... one for each leg anyhow :)

Praise the Lord for He is the Great Almighty, Savior of my soul! I love how you give credit where credit is due!

Now I'm off to run a quick 5 ... yep 5 is my new short run of the week ... CRAZY!!!

Love Ya Girly ...

One Day at a Time

2:24 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Good job on the weight loss. My goal is another 50 lbs. off, so you're my inspiration!

11:15 PM  

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