Tuesday, October 11, 2005


i want to FLAUNT my bra here! this is no secret. i do not care WHO knows what i wear underneath...as it is SO important and such a lifesaver!

i originally found the ENELL on the weight watchers boards a few yrs ago (when i was TRYING to do ww....i spent a lot more time on the boards than counting my stupid points! not knocking the program...just dint work for me! works great for lots!)........................anyhoo, someone pointed me toward them. www.enell.com this is an AWESOME bra! it is THE ONLY 'sports bra' that has EVER worked for me. even before huge wt gain and nursing kids and having HUGE ... chest... i always wore 2 sports bras. so they obviously weren't made very well.

this bra is more like an upper body VEST. yes, it has MANY eyehooks down the front. i don't love doing them. but it is much better than finding the smallest sports bra you can possibly fit into (cuz of course that will hold you in better, right?) and fighting w/ it to get it on your body, and ending up SWEATING profusely (esp.when putting numerous ones on!!!!!!!!!) and with a RED FACE....ALL BEFORE LEAVING THE HOUSE! and what about when you get home? try prying that sweaty thing OFF your sweaty body! you need a shoe-horn equivalent...a jogbrahorn! ugh! it tears at your skin and hurts and CURLS all the way off. in fact, that is really the best way to describe it: you need to peeeeel it off. and you REALLY need HELP doing this. now, that's a delightful picture: your dh coming behind you to help you PEEL your sweaty sportsbra off! how 'bout that coupled w/ slathering your sore muscles in the ever-odiferous ben-gay and hopping into bed....WHAT A TURN ON! (not!)

all that about the YUCKY kind of jogbra: so onto ENELL. wow! a breath of fresh air. go to their site, do their measurements exactly how they tell you and order away. you will not be disappointed. also you must put it on how they tell you. (they actually send you instructions on how to put it on! follow them!) they are like $64 w/ shipping. WELL WORTH IT! don't get stinky. i do not wash that often. i leave to hang after a run and it doesn't smell or anything. i'm kinda scared to admit how infrequently i do wash it. i wash ALL my other workout stuff ... but my enell? don't NEED to. but when you do wash it, it doesn't harm it at all!

NOW to the sad part: UNFORTUNATLY for us lay people but good for their business: Oprah must have had them on her show...i know she's mentioned them and they've been mentioned in her O magazine. (O good grief, Oprah!) THUS, they have been INUNDATED w/ orders! when i ordered my new one (thank God i've lost enough wt that i need the next size down!) at the END of the transaction i was told it will take about 20 wks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I immediately yelled, THAT'S 1/2 A PREGNANCY!!!!! to me, that is a loooong time. esp. when i'm running around w/ bouncy ta-tas! good grief gerdie! desperate though, i left it as was. i now am running w/2 bras again: one of those PATHETIC jogbras (i think it's hanes) and my enell over it. UGH! i ACTUALLY had to call my dh in the room yesterday morning and have him pull the pathetic jogbra up and over my head to get it off! i'd have been mortified if i wasn't so euphoric at the run i'd just had.

they are very apologetic at enell. but i think they should 'move heaven and earth' to get billions of more workers to produce all the enells that all the big-chested--or just heavy women of the world-- want! don't you????????? NOW I ASK YOU! anyhoo, their comments are that they have had an influx of orders and they are working nites and wkds to fill all the orders. at the end of the form emails they send me, it always says, "we love oprah" right before the "thank you for your order, signed, whomever"!!! too funny... and i'd be laughing if it wasn't such a dire need.

so, i expect my enell bra sometime after november 20th. AT WHICH POINT, i will resist my desire to FRAME AND HANG my current royal purple enell bra, size 4. Instead, if she still wants it, i'm MAILING it--laundered--to my good friend since HER ORDER might not make it to her till santa comes or later!

since i've lost weight, skinny friends have told me "oh, just go to target...they have jogbras for like $12!" i HAVE made a concerted effort to find one that works. but what i've found is that i STILL have extra flesh. the ones they sell at walmart and target...even jcpenney...they are made for larger BUSTED women...but not necessarily bigger-all-over women. like, i could get one of those, even x large...but the straps would cut into my skin...and what hurts most, besides the BOUNCING breasteseseses, is that *ahem* BACK-FAT bulges around the backs. okay, NOW I'VE DONE IT! i've even given my BROTHER the address to my blog. now he's sufficiently mortified and grossed out at the mere picture of his old sister's BACK FAT. but it's a factoid of life...it's not PREVALENT but it's there. it's going, but not gone yet.

so, that is ONE THING that enell is wonderful about. i mentioned it's like a vest. it covers and holds in your whole upper body. WITHOUT feeling constricted.

don't know how else to explain it.

ps: i've only ever worn as big as a c-cup (hope bro is still reading!=)) but i've never liked bouncy boobies! thus the introduction to jogbras at a young age...prob high school. it wasn't until late college when a big busted beautiful girl admonished me: "you've got the UNI-BOOB thing going on!" oh my gosh. it took me a couple of minutes to register what she was talking about. you can imagine my embarrassment (well, maybe you can't but i was EASILY EMBARRASSED!) and i was so mad at her for pointing it out! it was at dinner for crying out loud! in the presence of others! BUT she actually did me a favor...and she went on to let me in on a huge SECRET that NONE of the other women in my life ever told me....that i could buy bigger, beautiful, underwire bras....and feel GOOD about myself in them! it opened up a new world to me! so, thank you, Sia! i have no idea where she is today. but thank God i got rid of the ever-present UNI-BOOB! =)

go buy an enell. do it today. you won't get it till the end of the century but it will be worth it if you haven't yet tripped on your boobs and killed yourself! =)


Blogger Amber said...

I actually considered doing a bra post on my blog to go along with my sock post but it looks like you beat me to it :)

I will be ordering my Enell as soon as we move. Things are still a little iffy as to where we will end up and I would hate to buy that $64 bra that won't ship for 8-12 weeks (shipping time when I checked two weeks ago) and then have it get lost in transit because the mail folks can't find me.

So ... I'm wanting your new size 3 to get in the mail quicker then November 20th so that you can 'wash' that purple size 4 and send it off to me :)

I'm currently doing the twosome technique as well. It was getting quite painful until I found the jar of vaseline that I smear all over before heading out for my run.

Oh, and I have an embarassing high school bra story as well, but mine is the exact opposite. I have always been very, very well endowed in the breastesses area but didn't really know it. It wasn't until after the awards banquet in my final year of high school volleyball (lots of bouncing yeah?) that my best friend finally got up the nerve to tell me that I might need a sports bra. Apparently I had been the ... um ... talk of the team for the last four years and didn't even know it. Thanking the Lord that that time in my life is over with and that I no longer get red faced reliving that memory!

God Bless!

AmberOne Day at a Time

5:34 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Thanks for the posting! I am so glad you were so honest. $64 USD is about $100 Canadian, but what the hell, if you say it works, then it might be worth it.

I've was working out for about 4 months solid before I got into running. Was using the stationary bike, mostly because it was easy to stay out of everyone's way @ the gym and there was no bouncing involved.

I *finally* got up the courage to start running when I lost enough weight that I got OUT of double-letter bras and back into single-letter bras. (Thank GOD!) Incorporating running into my program was my little reward to myself for losing "a letter"! (I'm sure that no man who reads this post could ever understand why "losing a letter" could be such a relief, but TRUST me - it has been!)

So, needless to say... you've convinced me! Next pay day, I'll be doing a little on line shopping!

Thanks again for the post! You rock.

11:25 PM  

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