Friday, October 14, 2005

due credit & thankfulness

this is to honor my dear husband, & more.

4 years ago, we decided to take the plunge & live on 1 income. we have never looked back. we have 3 children. my youngest was about 6 months old when i finally "came home." we now wish we'd done it earlier! we always worked opposite shifts (he: f.t. and i: p.t.) and our blessings (kidlets) were never in day(barf)care. we are very thankful for and proud of that. (not prideful-proud but proud-of-ourselves-for-making-the-RIGHT-decision-proud...know-what-i-mean-vern?)

that said, whenever discontent or selfishness ever creeps up; whenever i want something but we don't have the money; whenever i feel like moping around the house instead of staying on task; whenever i think it's my right to be a slob in pjs all day while d.h. goes to work w/ well-dressed women (had to throw this one in, thnx dr.laura), or just plain not-take-care-of-myself-cuz-it's-too-hard-&-i've-always-just-done-things-this-way; OR (do i dare?)(it's my blog!) if i don't feel like it when we could be doing recreational things(!!).....these things i must remind myself:

  1. i GET to stay home with my beautiful children
  2. i GET to make a home for my family
  3. i GET to schedule appts when dh is home so i don't have to drag around all the kids
  4. i GET to attend church events w/ kids and family
  5. we GET to attend church REGULARLY! (always a struggle when i worked)
  6. i GET to educate my children at home
  7. i GET to participate in extendo-family events
  8. i GET to order our lives w/ regular bedtimes and wake times
  9. we GET to have lots of lovely uninterrupted family time!!
  10. we GET to enjoy daddy & mommy together (when i worked it was 1 parent @ a time & time w/ mommy was never as fun!)
  11. we GET to go on trips whenever daddy is off
  12. we GET to participate in outside homeschool get-togethers
  13. i GET to enjoy my husband and have him enjoy me!
  14. i GET to get up b4 my family, run, shower, make & enjoy my coffee!

what a life!

all these things used to be so hard when i worked. work came 1st, i'm sad to say. at least because of the schedule. it was always changing. i feel so strongly that children need routine! dh really enjoys me being home. i can (w/ God's help) cover all the bases this way. my LOVING boss is my dh. WHAT A RELIEF!

these things i do not take for granted. i still do not like the strictures that money places on us. but i think we are better for it, actually, cuz if we had it all, i don't think we'd be thankful!

for shaping the way i feel and believe about these matters, ANOTHER LIST of thanks goes to:

  1. God, the Author and Finisher of my faith & life
  2. my wonderful parents
  3. my husband
  4. dr. laura
  5. elisabeth elliott
  6. my aunt Susan
  7. my dear friends Jill & Liz, always reminding me in all their humbleness

love to all!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a cutie! That's why you're such a great friend to me!

9:35 PM  

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