Friday, October 14, 2005

computer woes

in the words of a funny friend, "i am not humored."

i spent a long time earlier succinctly composing a post about how my husband is a wonderful provider. and it was lost! it was one of those times in which i had to leave the computer for a span of time, keep coming back to it and working on it in bits. it was great. to the point. overflowing w/ praise for him.

then i hit publish post. at that same moment i noticed at the bottom right of the screen that internet had disconnected! yeahoo! i love that!

so, here i am, hours later, wracking my brain to come up w/ similar words.

woe is me.

cyberspace and me....we have a love/hate relationship.

it's out there somewhere, i just know it! maybe it went to someone else's blog!


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