Saturday, October 15, 2005

end of week musings

So, 13.73 miles this wk. if shins hadn't been an issue this wk, my total would be more like 16-17. doesn't seem like much does it? i guess i was thinking 20-25 sounds better. but i wanna take it slow. just can't believe amber runs that much (18 or so) on her long run days now! so her total wkly mileage must be quite high. she is about a month away from her marathon! GO AMBER! you are SUCH an inspiration. (btw: her link is on the right "one day at a time")

next week: long run 8 miles; 2 lows of 3 each; one med of 5. these past wks medium run was 4.

C gave me a whole bunch of old runner's world mags this a.m. one thing that i read already was about the after-marathon let down. something akin to postpartem depression. the author of article really stressed having an after race plan. goals. like to take advantage of the supreme aerobic fitness level you've acheived by marathon time. just don't let yourself go soft afterwards. DEFINITELY let yourself recover. but jump right back some sort of routine. have another goal. like entries in shorter runs.

i'm NOT A MARATHONER by any means, but i'm planning on entering all the little fun runs i can....for the fun of it but mostly to get used to doing them. to get over race-day-jitters. to get over my fear of ...what?

yaknow what i'm a'feared of? missing my alarm or setting it wrong! getting to race late. going to WRONG place. running off to use the toidy at last minute and MISSING the gun! sprinting at the beginning and losing all my umph early in race! having to "POO" in the middle of run! (long run) coming in last! =) TRIPPING! =) =) these stupid little fears give me unsettled stomach all nite b4 race! ugh! then to top things off i end up TIRED! good grief, gerdie!

i ran some fun runs in high school; ran Bloomsday 2x; and the cable bridge run once after i had my son (10 yrs post high school). that's it! i ran ONE X-country 'race' in college. it was awful. it wasn't so much the itty bitty teeny weeny shorts and tank they had us wear as 'uniform' (PUNI-form was more like it) .... as it was the hilly, trail-y, mountainous, forested, TERRAIN that was our course. did i even finish? i can't even remember. all i can remember was fighting w/ the little shorts, to keep them keep my *gasp* upper thighs from chafing outta control! i might have even cried in all my misery! i'd never before used the word TERRAIN to describe my route! good grief!

that was the end of my X-country foray! too bad. now, i might like it!

i have one more thing to post about but i'll do it in one more.
si-on-ara!? toot-a-loo! kt


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