Saturday, October 15, 2005

sat. low run

3.73 miles
37:36 minutes
avg pace 10:04
(and that's straight from H's GARMIN FORERUNNER, not my sad calculations!)

so, got little sleep last nite...up late...why? hmmmm... i stayed up to watch csi w/ popcorn, can you tell i'm on a bad roll? well, it wasn't late, more like 730---csi was taped from previous nite. then i got busy w/ 'puter: figuring out run routes on google! (intersection to intersection 2 get mileage! got 2B better way: it's called GARMIN FORERUNNER!) only watched csi partway.

so THEN i ended up catching "three wishes" that new show w/ amy grant going to a town and they GRANT wishes! i just sat here, 1/2 at the 'puter, 1/2 turned around watching, BAWLING the whole time! it was so good! very intense. prob a good thing i dint see csi. i'm too freaked out anyway! wish dh's hours weren't as late! Lord, take away all fear.

BUT, was up before my alarm (as usual!) at 5:49 (set for 5:50!) and getting ready...take the girls potty...switched my insoles around. from my everyday reeboks to my asics 2100s. we met at the starting line of the marathon we're in at end of month. goal was to run the first leg to get a feel for it. it would be a 6.8 mile i guess goal was about 3+ out and back. i HAD to be back for outing w/ the kids so i cut it short. h turned back w/ me.

had a good FAST run today. stats don't show it but w/o writing a novel: i jogged slow w/ someone for just about 7-10 minutes, then she turned back and i had to sprint to catch up w/ rest of group. one turned back and ran w/ me for rest of time. (thx, H!) so overall, i think i ran my avg, but i slogged it the first mile and ran hard the rest. something like that.

felt good. dint just run my 3 like s'posed to. just dint seem right! we'd barely started! (TOLE ya it'd be hard! it's so fun to run in a group!) then, drove home fast, got outta da van, and my leg almost BUCKLED! my right knee, on inside, just felt like someone filleted it! ugh! but it's gotten better as day's worn on.

i'm thinking i might run my long run tomorrow! after church. do ya think i can do it in mid of day? broad daylite? mid of town?? this will test my limits, 2B sure. but i can work it out so i end at mis papas & then can do the spa treatment! i'll of course be a red, sweating HOG by the time i get there. so prob have to shower fust. i'll wear my hat (disguise). i've gotta figure out a route tonite, then. mis papas R so great, they'd drive to anywhere to pick me up, too. cuz i was saying today, mayhap i should just run from point a to point b....just pick 8 miles out and run to amber does at times. but somehow she runs w/ her phone too! she must have pockets. sometimes i do but i wouldn't want my phone flappin' on my leg! ahh me. i guess you need special shorts w/ special pouch for cell phone, too! goodness me!

thank You, Jesus, that i can run!


Blogger Amber said...

Didn't you know that's the real reason 'real women' wear two bras. The phone fits perfectly between the two layers. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get a real bra and I only have to wear one.

I did sew a fancy pocket into a pair of regular running pants. It was easy to do and I need to get busy and get some more sewn on. If you don't sew, C might be able to help you out with it.

6:28 AM  

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