Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday, rest day

2 days of rest in a row. So, this week i have run monday, wed., and will run tomorrow, Sat. I meet up w/ a group of gals on sats. so, keeps me going!

i decided yesterday not to run--and it helped that i got very little sleep. wanted to baby my shins and knee for a day. i was on my feet most of the day though. wore my all-day reeboks w/ some new dr. scholl's inserts. felt great. but really WAS on them all day long!

i iced last nite, again(bought peas, amber...whassup w/ that? why do they work so much better than corn? weird!). got to bed real early. tentatively planned on doing a short 3 this a.m.

but this a.m., decided to baby them for another day. ALSO, a gal told me about a couple of things she does...i've implemented them & feel better. b4 getting outta bed, rotate your feet -at ankles- like 20 times each way. i did this, taking breaks every time my muscles got tired. then when i got outta bed, i didn't hurt right away.

she also told me about this one: kind of squat down w/ my feet flat on the ground. just straight down. hold it for a while. i think a minute at a time. this pulls on fronts of shins...and you can feel the muscle tighten. i think it's proactive. instead of all stretching, this is kinda like strength training.

i dunno, i'm awful at describing things like this. didn't do too well in technical writing in college. yuk. whatever the case, it seems 2B working. i'll know tomorrow when and after i run!

i wanna keep it a short 3. time constraints make it needful...which is good. then i won't be tempted to 'go the distance' w/ them! out 1.5 and back. home to shower and off to fun stuff w/ the kids!

God Bless!