Sunday, October 16, 2005

sunday LONG run

okay, i 'ran' 8 miles. who? ME! this is totally unbelievable. what is believable is that it was WINDY. did i mention i live in the WINDY DESERT OF EASTERN WASHINGTON??? well, wind in october is much nicer than wind in 100 degree summer. but i must say there were moments when it made it more difficult.

it was also difficult to make a route of EIGHT MILES that would END UP at my parents home 2 use their hot tub. i had to run in the opposite direction of their home for a total of over 4 miles...THEN head their direction. the last leg was on a rural-yet-busy road..w/ no sidewalks...just a ditch. that was a little harder too. i had to sidestep a dead jackrabbit! yuk! i had to stop completely at one point to let a bunch of R.V.s go by...i could just see them swerving (like extendo-r.v.s sometimes do) and knocking me into the ditch!

in that last mile, uphill, i mite add, i was BARELY MOVING! i could feel every rock in that 'asphalt' (it's a country road, 'member). i used my ipod during the first 6-7. i listened to a book, james herriott, for the first 3 miles or so, then when i started an uphill jaunt, had to put on the tunes. i continued w/ them for the rest of the run until the last mile. since i had moved onto that COUNTRY road (w/ rocky asphalt, have i MENTIONED that?). i thought i'd better be ALL ALERT on that.

so i haven't even mentioned how i FELT. i am very sad to say i started feeling my knee at only about 2 miles. my left inside-of-knee and my right shin. both pretty painful. there was a point in my route where i had to debate if i should just go home. it would have made today's run 4+ miles. but i felt that i could suck it up and go the distance. i kept praying...for wisdom. i hope i heard right!

about 5+ miles i started to do that little tripping thing. you know? where you nick your own leg w/ your other foot in stride. i could tell i needed to pay close attn from there on out. in that last mile or so i was pretty stumbly! not stumblING but like couldn't get a good grasp for where the earth was and where to put my feet down! does that make sense? partly cuz i had to watch traffic more than the road...partly cuz it was uneven ground! the ditch dropped off quite suddenly. and the 'shoulder' wasn't big and was LUMPY!

i had, early on---like in the 2nd mile---alternated between sidewalk, road, and off the sidewalk, in the BUSH. but when i got back on the sidewalk, i found i was clicking on about 50 goatheads (owie stickers) on each foot! so i had to stop and pick all those off! ouch! i was trying to lessen the pounding. but what i give up when i get off the smooth surfaces, is an even path.

all said: i ran (ran, jogged, limped, SLOGGED) 8 miles today, in one hour 33 minutes! 11:62 pace, right? not THAT bad. not as bad as i'd thought. i limped up the hill to mom and dad's, took an awesome chilly shower, ate a WONDERFUL salad that mom made me, then, when all cooled off, we went into the hot tub!!! it was ggggreat!

i'm limping tonite. i'm thinking i should stick w/6-7 mile runs until i have freedom from pain. and i think perhaps i should NOT anticipate that 1/2 marathon THIS year. next spring is early enuff!

i am thankful, though, that i can run! in whatever form that takes!
gonna go ice and watch EXTREME MAKEOVER...tis a good one tonite!



Blogger Amber said...

Oh man KT that is a bummer. Well I mean it is sooo cool that you ran 8 miles. Beyond cool!!! But it's a bummer that the 8 miles came with pain and lost resolve. It's probably a good idea to slow down the runs though until you can get past that pain threshold. Praying that it happens quickly!!!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job sweet d - so very proud of you - you looked really good considering you ran sooo farrrrr! You weren't even breathing hard - and you were agile walking into our home! We are praying for you! You inspire me!! Hope we can offer you pool time more often! Love and hugs - MMMMM

8:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAy to go, KT! I am so proud of you. Eight miles is a long way, you are offically a long distance runner (not jogger,not slogger, a runner!) Plus, your eight miles sounds more like 16 with the poor conditions. I ran out in that wind today, it was tough. And running on gravel is no treat. But you did it, you stuck to it, and did it - way to go.

I am really sorry to hear about the knee and shin pain. It's possible you need to back off the mileage a little and let you muscles and knee catch up. Ice and maybe some ibuprofen. I would not advocate taking ibuprofen (or other pain meds) before a run, you want to know if a joint is hurting. Ibuprofen (not tylenol) taken after, can reduce inflamation, thereby shortening recovery time, and just make you feel alot better.

I wouldn't discount the half marathon yet, I still think you could do it. Those are tough conditions you ran in, a half marathon although longer will not contain gravel, rickety RVs, nor goat heads. If you could shake the pain - I think you would have a successful race. The half is in 6 weeks, that's still over a month of training time. There is so much that can happen in a month - just look at where you are now compared to 4 weeks ago.

Also, as a side note, an hour and half is a long run, especially in the afternoon. Time to start thinking about gatorade and possibly a gel during the run.

10:09 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

You continue to inspire me - every step of the way. I've never met you and yet, every single post of yours gives me a warm, hopeful feeling inside.

9:39 PM  

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