Saturday, December 03, 2005


didn't do it.
trying not to feel too guilty.
woke up yesterday w/ headache;
went to bed last nite w/ headache;
awoke again this morning w/ headache...
until it culminated into an all out and out fullblown migraine midway thru the day...

3 ibuprofen finally cured it....and dd's sweet prayers whilst she rubbed my poor noggin!
it is so weird w/ those. i was completely at the end of my rope, called dear hubby at work (so i was at the comPLETE end!), he would call me back in 15 mins to let me know if he could break away and come home; and right away i turned a corner! when he called back, i was able to open my eyes and my eyeBALLS didn't hurt anymore, neither was the blood POUNDING inside my head. weird, huh? what IS IT w/ those headaches.

sadly, i am sure i know the culprit.
well, it could be the sinus infection i could possibly have.
and, this morn, lying in bed i was seriously considering i might have a flesh-eating bacterial disease, inside my brain nibbling away at it. at one point i thought i could actually pinpoint the thing eating my optic nerve! then i was sure it was in my occipital lobe.
now, these are places i'm actually sure i cannot feel. but such was my state! ugh!
i told dear hubby to call and check in thru-out the day so as to make sure the kids weren't running around w/ an unresponsive mommy somewhere in the house. yikes!

we are planning, now to walk to costco to pick up some PICS i sent down there earlier in the day. can you believe you can do this? technology!

perhaps a midday run tomorrow aft church when d.h. is home w/ kids.

God bless to all!

ps: the real culprit, methinks, is the sugar i've indulged upon. not much, mind you, but sugar nonetheless. i know one other gal who suffers migraines and has sworn off sugar never to have another migraine. well, sugar AND flour. she is completely abstinent. i have not had a migraine in forever ... but i've let sugar and flour back in this wk. Lord, HELP!


Blogger ipodmomma said...

sugar can do that... I know!

thanks for the comment... will try and answer your quetions later today...

you never know what will happen, as I have learned in my walk with Jesus... :))) moving from one state to another, or one country to another... life throws, on occasion, something unexpected...

but, that's not always such a bad thing... :)))

10:59 PM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

ps... glad you are feeling better!

10:59 PM  

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