Tuesday, November 22, 2005


3 min walk b4 and 3 min aft run
35.24 min
3.17 mi
avg 11.09min/mi
best 7.36min/mi now, that's more like it...and i KNOW when those times were!
in heavy traffic, on main roads. UNDER PRESSURE! then, once i hit the back streets i pilter out and die~! plus i had a homeward stretch never-ending hill!

but GUESS WHAT? i always knew there were some sort of bike/motorbike trails behind our neighborhood! well, i went out to them and 'ran' them 1/4 or so of my run today. i ended up coming out in another neighborhood, then running around and back home. pretty cool. break from the norm and SORT of better for my joints, RIGHT? it was SOFT at points. not too easy. and lots of little tiny hills (for the bikers to jump, i guess). i wish i could wear my contacts. i think i'll try the next time i try those again. my eyes were all watery cuz of the cold and i REALLY had to focus on the ground! i even saw coyote footprints. what do they do/where do they hide during the day? i hear them at nite. did i feel eyes on me? nope. just eyes peering out of windows of houses! THAT is the IRRATIONAL fear...the coyote fear would be more rational, eh?

so, i've now done a trail run...such that it was!

God Bless you all!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hiya KT - Trail run, eh? Sounds like fun! There are trails near my house, too, but they come with a lot of hills, so they scare me a bit.

How's the knee, by the way?

I was out running for the first time in a week today. My knee finally let me... and it felt great! Yaaay!!!

12:14 PM  

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