Monday, November 07, 2005

To Walmart

1st "lap": walk 1 (warm up and to get to a good place to start...mostly flat)
17.47 min; 1.16mi; 145 cal

2nd "lap": run:
45:39 minutes
4.12 miles
11:05min/mi avg
8:07min/mi best
534 cal burned!!

3rd "lap": walk 2 (cooldown)
9.29 min
.47 mi
61 cal

i guess that was 72.15 minutes all in all! yeahoo!
have i mentioned that i love my ipod and my garmin!
this time i even ran w/ my new and improved cell phone!
i actually got a call on the run but didn't take it.
i couldn't huff, puff, take a call, and keep an eye on traffic.
my bad. =-) (i called dear bro back later)

my deal today was trying to kill 2 birds w/ one stone. i like that. my run was to end up at walmart, shop, then have dhB pick me up, pay for items and drive us home! Thus the cell phone. Had to bring it. Also, it is cold here, already, in November. So, since i knew i'd be sweaty, then get cold w/ wet shirt, i wore my pullover jacket-thing around my waist. had to wear my long run.tights, then my big shorts (dh's) for the POCKETS. (pockets for my ipod and my cell phone.) i decided to leave the checkbook at home....part of the reason i needed B to come get me! i suppose, someday i could run w/ some sort of fanny pack. but can you imagine the sight i made as it was?? i almost didn't make it out the door.

but i sucked it up, took some encouragement from B, faced my paranoia and headed out the door. (oh yeah, i wore my hat. nice cover.)

of COURSE--AS ALWAYS--it felt great as soon as i got going. at least, the walking part. the jogging wasn't all great. but i kept it slow and easy. i had one LOOOOOOng hill. a little bit of traffic. can't get away from 'cambered surfaces.' sidestepped the roadkill (thank God only one of those...and NO SKUNKS! yeahoo).... tricky overpass to cross. but all in all...a good, relieved run!

icing right shin tonite. no great knee pain! yeahoo!

i'm thanking God for my legs again! i am ashamed of any complaining, previously. pls forgive. ick. i HATE complaining! it is for whiners. even when in pain, at least i still had my legs. at least i could still get around. so what if i couldn't run a while? good grief. BE THANKFUL. Live in Thankfulness and appreciation! God is Great! and Greatly to be Praised!

ps: wow! i really DID make a sight. i was REALLY yucky. B actually was lying when he said i didn't look that bad. but i love him for it. he was right: what are my choices? go on looking like that and feeling a little yucky-looking, get it over with and feel great afterward....or let it stop me, stay indoors, do no exercise and feel yucky afterward?????

now i ask you!
'course, we did the right thing. (me w/ God's help!)


Blogger ipodmomma said...

what kind of ipod do you have?

I sure like mine!!! :)))

went for a walk this AM myself, but couldn't go as far as I usually do... we had two inches of rain last night, and the last bit of the path was a wash-out...

maybe on Friday!

have a blessed day... :)))


11:16 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Doesn't your iPod have a little clip that you can hook over the waistband of your tights/shorts/pants? I have an iPod mini and I'd be lost without the clip.

There are also little arm bands you can buy for them...

11:07 PM  

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