Friday, November 04, 2005

Walk to the "Tannery"

38:29 min
2.39 miles

the tannery...the place where you lie in a 'bed of bulbs' & attempt to darken your flab.
cuz, yknow, fat isn't as offensive-looking when it is bronzed.
dh B has done some work there 4 the owner... a perk is free tans.
it's just down the hill from us...approx 1.2 miles....downhill (did i mention that?=)

so, in jeans (this is a 1st for me) & the new awesome (too big*) BEASTs (my shoes)(more on the 'too big' later), garmin, ipod, windbreaker, and snow hat (i left house w/ wet hair),
i was on my way.

:> a GLORIOUS-- albeit windy/threatening-rain-- day! <: dint stretch b4 leaving but had been stretching @ intervals each day. felt ggggreat! fast clip. altho...going downhill... well, when you've had your coffee, you feel great, you're trying to walk fast, AND going downhill WITH THE WIND BEHIND YOU....well.... i got to the bottom of the hill and had to cross the road. i saw a break in the traffic so decided to make a go for it. i tried to jog over... and about bit the asphalt!
my legs were all jelly and rubbery! i was walking so fast, and with the wind and hill MOMENTUM behind me... recipe for disaster! i think no one noticed! =}

got there in record time...15 minutes or so--sweaty, hafta pee, and my 'transition glasses' that don't transition back very well WEREN'T transitioning very quickly...
prob looked a sight for that little 18 yr old tannery worker!
into the bed for 12 minutes. (i'm just starting...tanning)
well that was ANOTHER FIASCO! i have to write about it:

"lie down in the bed" ... a feat cuz it's been about 8 yrs since i've really done any artificial tanning....3 babies and like, i dunno, a thousand pounds later?? well, it's a little comical. but i won't fill you in on any of the too-obscene details. suffice it to say, i feel like i roll in... then, when i try to get out, i wish the door wasn't at the FOOT-end of the bed!! i'm terrified someone will peek in as i'm attempting to huck myself outta there, feet flailing in the air! don'worry, 'tis locked. but y'know, that's the deep-down fear! =)

anyhoo, just settling in, listening to ipod, still, and i swear, JUST LIKE THAT, the bulbs turned off! WHAAAAA??? what do i do? i'm naked ... it's not like there is an intercom so you can communicate w/ the workers out there. when i came IN, there were no other customers, but IF i went to the door, and peeked out, I GUARANTEE THERE WOULD BE LOTSA PEOPLE LOOKING IN!!! (that would be 'my luck' yknowwhatImean.)
So, i slipped on my shirt & jeans, and peeked out. No one in sight. I shut the door. COULD I have lain there 12 minutes and it just SEEMED fast? I started to get ALL dressed.

Then I thought, "No. I only listened to ONE song! How long is ONE song? 3 minutes, 4 minutes? No, my time really CAN'T be done!"
So, I put back on my top & jeans, held my jacket up over me so my lack of brazierre wouldn't be noted --- I was sure if I expected no one out there, there'd be a crowd!
I poked my head back out and questioned the gal (she was alone) and she agreed that mayhap she only set it for 2 instead of 12. !!
Good grief! I mean...this is no trauma. It wouldn't be the end of the world if i tanned for 2 instead of 12. But I MEAN! It was just weird. And more of a "am I losing my mind?" type of thing!

Okay, so I got my tan, put back on my sorta sweaty duds, and headed home. I love that garmin! Mine seems SUPER-COOL, not just cool. If I'm cold, and keep my jkt sleeve up and over my garmin so I can keep warmer, it doesn't lose the signal! It even seems to keep a signal in the house! I don't know how long it might do that. But I thought you had to have it directed at the open sky to keep its signal. Dunno. But mine seems like it's a super good one! Must be because my loving family got it for me!

Headed up the hill. Much harder going up. But do you know, when I moved here in Feb., a group of gals and I walked once...and our route included THAT HILL. I could barely walk up it! Now, not only can I walk up it, unwinded, but it feels GGGREAT all the way up,....and I know I could 'run' it too! (i use 'run' loosely)

All in all ~16 there and back, tho separated by about a 1/2 hour stay at the tannery (fiasco time included), about 38 minutes of walking today! yeahoo!

And the clouds waited until later to release their raindrops! =)

in Him,


Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

Ah yes had those moments in the tanning salon myself!

Came across your blog and love it. I too am a 'virgin' runner, having just recently started training for a 5K race on Dec 11th. Nothing like running in the Chicagoland cold eh?

Best of luck to you on your running endeavors, I look forward to reading about your journey along the way.

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi K
What a kick!! Your story and way of saying things cracks me up! The great walk is cool - glad the hill was no challenge! The tannery tale leaves me snickering . . I would have dreams of that if I were in your shoes . . or skin. Like the bathroom dreams I frequently have - not able to find one and then when i do . . . in my dream it is in the middle of a bus station type building like in SF, CA!!! There are tons of people all over the place and I am trying to figure out what my problem is since nobody else seems bothered by the arrangements! Anyhoooo - I am sure that a tanning experience would leave me with similar expectations! Never have "tanned" in a machine - much less in the "sun" - since I am so sun sensative!
Take care, keep moving, love ya

11:48 PM  

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