Friday, October 28, 2005

musings and ramblings

(should that be the name of EVERY post?)

it's morning...His mercies are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness!!

ddK & i are the ones hanging on to this 'sickness'...we R the ones who get worse @ nite. i take nyquil (KS brand) every nite, & whoa! that really has punch! i get up drunk-feeling in the mid of nite! & i think it DRIES your mouth out! does mine. i REALIZE--MOM-- that it is cuz of the antihistamine/decongestant...the POINT is to dry my NASAL passages et al. but a side effect is it dries out my mouth too! ugh! i wake up off & on all nite so dry i can't even swallow. perhaps that is what WAKES me up! these things we take for granted! makes me ever-sad for the likes of Terri Schiavo who could not take care of something like that on her own, relying instead on others to swab her mouth if it became dry. have you ever done that for someone?? i have. as a CNA in a nursing home...& for my own kiddos post-surgery, etc. i remember, as a CNA--19 y.o. or so-- i wasn't as caring as i'd be today. back then i was pretty grossed out. how sad. & I have a conscience, thank God. what about those --who i worked w/-- who had no caring & no caring! BEWARE, folks. COMPASSION does not come naturally to lots of people. AT all costs, i hope we can care for our own loved ones in the comfort of our own homes!

WOW! whatta tangent. well, again, for another post, perhaps. perhaps one day, whilst i sit, convalescing, i shall write my memoirs. which include my nursing home days, my parenting faux pas (sp?)....& whatever other memories i can conjure up! my funniest --in a sorta sad-funny way-- stories come from the nursing home. they MIGHT be much better told in person. but i could 'try my hand' at conveying them in words?! who knows.

sorry...i have gotten WAY off track. the POINT i was going for: our ongoing sickness. k & i have turned into night-time COUGHERS whereas j&n's colds have run their course & turned into just the sniffles. thank You, Lord! & B has no sickness yet or on the horizon. he has been riding his bike to & fro work for months now, & has cut out nite-time eating (late, after work), AND he doesn't eat bfast...but coffee w/ lotsa creamer. he gets up late. so that eating schedule puts him right on track for a healthy normal-sized lunch, then he eats one more meal, whilst at work. he drinks a bit of milk every day, too, in his nestles coffee drink he was introduced to this summer by my dear auntie--thanks susu! ALL THAT TO SAY, perhaps he's the healthiest 1 in the bunch this fall! oh yeah, yesterday @ work, employees were offered free flu shots ... since they had their table set up to shoot people up anyway! well, he took one!!!! asked no questions! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! i know nothing about these flu shots. i've done no research on them! what if they are made from questionable sources?? (ie: abortions??? i have heard of such things) what if they were obtained from a questionable source (ie: law and order episode the other nite!=))? ah me... can't spend my life worrying!

well, i'll end. just my morning musings, i s'pose. cuz i can see i'm starting to ramble. once i post this, i will see how verbose it is and lament...lotsa peops don't read when it looks too long. unless yer my mom. SHE prints the whole darn thing out ($$$) and reads at her leisure! she prob SAVES it too! she is a wonderful packrat! =)

see, that would be the problemo w/ this not being hard-copy. if you really wanted to record your thoughts, journal-like, i guess you SHOULD print this out...the writer. otherwise, one day you could just wake up to it LOST in cyber-space! woe is me!

that's okay...ya can't take it with you!
God Bless all!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hi kt,

Yup,have done the mouth-swabbing thing... and less pleasant stuff, too. For me, it was for a dying family member. That's just what you do when you love someone, right?

As for you, dear friend, here's hoping you get well soon. Nasty bugs begone!


7:30 AM  

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