Saturday, October 22, 2005

One Wk Till Race Day!

okay, i have not run but .5 miles all week, opting 2 rest my knee instead: w/ ice, ibuprofen & some walking. exTREMEly depressing. never thot it could B so! today met my wonderful group of girlfriends to run, i had my brand new "forman" (garmin+forerunner=amber's term forman) on, ready 2 go.... and i got to WALK, watching them as they left me in their dust!

not only that, but i could BARELY walk!

why, i ask you, can i stand in my house & walk around my house all day long, but if i go OUT, TO WALK, i have such extreme pain?? it can't be the shoes alone since it's now happened in both my "old" (one month old) shoes AND in my brand new BEASTS! i am not humored (dana's phrase).

i used my GARMIN anyway, of course...of course it worked out LOVELY! it is GGGGREAT! thnx G, et al! i love you guys. i don'wanna let you down, neither! (can you tell i've been reading strawberry girl to the kids? i've got the hick-backwoods slang in my mind!)

i dint call that # yesterday. well, no, actually i did, but got voicemail & it was too complicated a message to leave so i did not. i'm trying to call my old orthapedic doc, DR. ZIRKLE, whose daught. i played soccer w/ in our younger yrs, since he too is a runner...& possibly get his O-PiN-iON on who to go to....cuz, OF COURSE, would you believe, his office doesn't take our insurance anymore!?! well, i'm just chicken 2 call cuz i doubt highly they'll give him a personal message from me. i'll try again next wk. k?

my B.I.L. brought by his knee brace 2day, i'm wearing it now. the kiddos & i will go soon to a nearby path...& i'll try it out. C'MON, SOME COMBINATION HAS GOT TO WORK!

so, ABOUT THE RACE. i pity my teammates. aft today they prob think i'm gonna let them down next sunday. truth be known, my PLAN is (God help me) to push thru the pain (unless, miraculously i have none or little next week!) and beat out those 6 miles come h or h water(!)

then i guess go back to babying till the thing heals then START OVER w/ good shoes, LOW mileage, non-"cambered" running surfaces, possibly NO concrete, etc etc...and using all the strength exercises i've accumulated. and icing right after at first hint of pain.

sound good? i will put off longer races till after Christmas perhaps? i just have to take it day by day. not my plan. but our plans don't always work out, now do they?

trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean NOT on your own understanding
in ALL your ways acknowledge Him
and He will direct your paths (or He will make STRAIGHT thy paths!)

=) kt


Blogger oldhall said...

You ask:

walk around my house all day long, but if i go OUT, TO WALK, i have such extreme pain

Could it be stress, raising blood pressure, and tightening everything up? "Performance anxiety"???

3:54 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Might also be that inside your house is wood (I'm guessing?) and outside is concrete sidewalk?

1:27 PM  

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