Thursday, October 27, 2005

to God be the Glory

i have been sitting, icing, ibuprofening...for 4 whole days now.
my WALKS consist of walking to the mailbox or just around the house.
one day i walked from my car into Costco, to the Pharmacy (dd had pink eye), & back out.
one day i walked around the library, perusing knee books.
i have eaten rolls. made me feel: not good.
i have been watching the scale. and that's all i have to say about that.
i watched Chariots of Fire. got inspired.

(i feel like i'm singing 'found a peanut!')

during the inspiring movie, i stretched.
did toe flexes.
tried not to eat out of boredom.

the kids & i have accomplished MUCH in the form of their studies this week! this has less 2 do w/ my (lack of) running & more 2 do w/ the factoid that i dropped our childcare charge last week. a relief cuz it was really more than we could handle. so be it.

4 straight days, thus far, of getting EVERYTHING done each day. minimal outside distractions. it helps (?) that we've all been sick, another reason not to go anywhere.

but the kids have been PEACHY ... doing their work in a timely fashion, not complaining too much! makes my 'job' so much more enjoyable!
i LOVE homeschooling! i don't ENJOY every moment. but most of them i do.
i love the rewards.
i love being with my blessings.
i love having a flexible schedule.
i love HAVING a schedule.
i love finishing everything before lunch and having playtime all afternoon!

becuz of insurance-related beauracratic NONSENSE, i cannot go to my PCP (reg. doc) till NEXT THURSDAY...and from HIM, get a referral to a specialist! nice! so, no matter that i might be in pain toDAY....i must wait or they won't pay. what a wonderful system we have in this democratic country! i am in LOVE w/ our wonderful, free country. but i despise 'managed care' that, at this point, doesn't CARE for me...but makes me wait. even tho, bi-wkly the money continues to come out. IRONICALLY, i'm actually being 'punished' for NOT GOING to the doc in 2 yrs! if you really want to understand that comment, let me know, and i'll comment in another post. not gonna go into it here.

i plan to run on sunday! in the marathon! well, my LEG (6.3 miles) of the marathon. i'm taking the 2nd leg. i will take ibuprofen ahead of time. i will be counting on my YEARS of endurance to get me thru this. it will be after 13 days of no running.

did i mention we are all sick in our family this week? each nite my chest feels a little heavier. what test is this, Lord? mental endurance? thank You, Jesus, for helping me to 'finish this race'!

in Him,


Blogger oldhall said...

Hang in there, k, I'm sure it'll go well for you!

I've noticed how the homeschooling is smoother with me home every day, calculus + physics are my share of the teaching pie, and so it's nice to lecture during the day, let them poke at the problems through the rest of the day, and go over the problems in the evening.

Except for days like today when I was too lazy to do anything. But we won't talk about that.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

kt - I didn't realize that you home school on top of everything else. Wow! You really are impressive.

I'm a bit concerned about the race though... The knee... being sick... At the risk of losing a new friend, I'll say it anyway... If it happens that you can't do it (I mean, physically, emotionally, psychologically, whatever...) then it is OK. There will be a next time... there may in fact be many next times.

Whatever you do, I'm behind you all the way, as I'm sure many others are.

10:35 PM  
Blogger kt said...

lose a new friend?
girl! you'd hafta REALLY try harder!
=) i respect your 'advice.'... one day at a time!
hey, didjya know amber is i write. i hope they're in a hotel somewhere, actually, but they are ON THE MOVE!
love ya, chica,

11:18 PM  

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