Sunday, November 13, 2005

Where has the week gone?

dear diary...
i have walked a few times this wk, but have been neglectful in writing, i suppose.
so, now it's Sunday. my shin pain seems to be gone. i've had off and on heel pain all wk,
but dealing w/ it nicely. SHOES SHOES SHOES! ALWAYS wearing shoes these days!
good thing i was able to find cute (enough) ones!

i still think i'll go back to A-1 sometime this week, tho, and see if i can change out my
Beast running shoes for a LESS WIDE width! it's cccrazy how wide they are.
when walking, TEN TOES would fit in one toe box! isn't that a bit silly? it's kinda hard to tell, since i'm not doing a LOT of mileage at the moment. but it's enough to make me a little paranoid. that would be paranoia that i'll RUN OUT OF TIME to take them back. sooner the better, i guess.

now, i guess my dilemma would be whether to just go for it again: try to run 2-3 times this wk, slow, steady 2-3 miles each time. or maybe run 2 times, walk 2 days. perhaps walk 2x a day? whatever it is, something each day, but slow and LOW enough to not overdo it...on my legs. it's a bummer cuz i WANNA work out my heart and off this flab...and i CAN do it...if it weren't for my shins, knees and heels!

i guess i had BETTER take care of THOSE and take it slow. or i won't be doing ANYTHING!

and, good news, for those of you who follow: ENELL is officially paid for (actually came OUT of debit acct this time! and i actually talked to a LIVE person!) and ON IT'S WAY! wowee, huh?
so, there is hope, gals...those of you who WANT one! =) i'll keep ya posted on that.

happy bday, my beloved, beauteous daughter, J! 7 on tuesday. you are my sunshine!


Blogger oldhall said...

You should rename your blog

"ENELL Woman, Runner Mom" or something.

Well. Maybe not.

2:44 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

I love how you start your blog "Dear Diary".

Good news on the ENELL! Can't wait to hear all about it!

As for the shoes, hey, girl, you're lucky. I'm into boots already!

As for the running, remember... be gentle with yourself. I've been having knee trouble myself this week and if all goes well, I'll do my first ever "deep water running class" on Friday.

Maybe we could try deep water running together and compare notes?

7:33 AM  

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