Thursday, November 10, 2005

Sore shins, sick kids

i've been slow to write, of late...sick kids, etc.
well, i've had shin pain the last 3 days.
today i did my walk down to the tannery and back.
my legs felt great the rest of the day and tonite.
methinks I will be running even less than i originally thought!

okay, switch gears...turn into a walker for now.
can i do that thru the winter?
one thing I realize around here of late...
the days are pretty nice in the morning...but EVERY afternoon it turns cold.
so i need to TAKE ADVANTAGE of the morningtimes!

my ipod, btw, is a little white number...size of a stick of gum. dunno what else it's called.
love it!i think it's like 500+ bytes, or giga or something. it's a "528" i think. whatever that means. my bro has a friend who picked up some "skins" in an airport gadgets store. so, dear bro bought ME a pack and sent it. there is a leather case w/ a finger ring, and a rubber 'skin' w/ a lanyard, stuff like that. i use the plastic one mostly. THANKS, G!

on the marathon front...AMBER'S marathon is coming up! go Amber!
Did i report that C (here) qualified for the Boston at our local marathon a couple of wks ago? so C and H are planning a trip to Boston in April. would you believe they CAN'T WAIT?? i'd be happy for the reprieve!=)
God Bless you all!


Blogger oldhall said...

Ipods have trouble at low temperatures. M's had trouble before, on cold mornings.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

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11:03 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hey KT,

I posted before, but with Amber and her marathon on the brain. Ooops! It's been a few crazy days and I haven't checked in lately. Must post a comment on her blog, too.

Anyway, sorry to hear about the shin pain... Oh dear... I think I got your knee ailment though... Not nice!

11:05 PM  

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