Thursday, November 17, 2005

IT'S A NEW DAY (and i thank God for the weather)

(that's a song btw)
well, I HAVE STATS TO REPORT once again!
22:27 minutes (running SLOWly)
2.02 miles
11:06min/mi avg
9:01 best min/mi

also walked b4 and aft (my new thing) a total of .77 my week total? a WHOPPING 2.79 miles! WHOOOO-HOOOOOO!!! =) ah well. it's sumpin'.

i have had THE hardest time getting back into it. since i began running in earnest, at the beg. of this fall, i had a little daycare charge--in mornings--before her p.m. kindergarten started each day. well, THAT was GOOD for my SCHEDULE. not so good for the family as a whole, but GOOD for my schedule, cuz it got me up and out EARLY each morning. when she was done, and after my race, it all fell apart. ugh. somehow, also, thru my injuries and nursing them back to health, i could NOT stay on the bandwagon of good eating habits. (there, i'll put it that way. U don't need 2 know the gory details.) i've also (and it's ALL intertwined) gotten into the very bad habit of staying up to watch t.v. ugh! i have CUT this out before and life is SO much better. i found myself, the other nite, watching law and order (SVU) feeling like i was meeting with my FRIENDS. like i KNOW that girl detective and Stabler. (& look: i know HIS name and not her's! yet it must be becuz it's easier to memorize, i really feel more like FRIENDS with HER, NOT him) isn't this WHACKED? good grief, gerdie! YUK. i can't stand it!

yet when night falls, and i tuck in the last kiddo, I TURN STRAIGHT TO THE TUBE. we don't have any cable to speak it's just whatever show is on cbs, nbc, or abc. i've been glued to csi (every nite? used to only be thursday nite, las vegas, and that's still the only one i REALLY like: that guy who plays horatio is SUCH a weirdo and is SO full of himself and then the NY one: the guy who played Dan in Forrest Gump WON OUR HEARTS in THAT movie but he is SO LAME in csi:NY!!!! alas, i still watch); ER (i switch back and forth, yet record csi:LV for brad for later); w/o a trace (longtime fav!); THREE WISHES (the best since popcorn); and NOW I'M ALSO stuck (sorta) on supernanny. ugh! what am i turning into?????????? come sat i'm a little befuddled cuz i don't have a nitely show to watch. yet we have determined i should be in bed no later than 9:30 to have a run in the a.m. and a good day the next day!

[did you really need 2B involved in all that?]

oldhall posted on my blog that his wife's ipod had trouble on cold mornings. i have yet to have probs w/ that pc of technology. it is ggggreat! but my garmin i noticed was a tad affected by the coldNESS this morn. it worked but seemed to be a tad slow changing screens/functions. i could be wrong, but it seemed that way. funny thing is, i CAN cover it w/ my sweatshirt and it seems to not affect the gps signal. weird, huh? so, i do that, then uncover it occasionally to let the satellite get to it...(might be in my mind).

the garmin wasn't the only thing affected by cold this morning. OMYGOSH. my legs, i think, were frostbitten! i ran in shorts (okay, dumb) and came home, KNOWING my legs would be red and cold...that's okay, but i sat in ds's room, warming up and talking to him, and they began to ITCH!!!!!!!! ugh! like ccccrazy! it was awful. i tried not to scratch too much and in the steamy shower, later, i lathered them w/ baby oil. no more shorts. stupid! i just hate getting too warm.

AND THERE WAS MY ENELL! yeahooo! it feels a tad stiff but that will change. i did read on the instructions that you should NOT use fab.softener when washing. i'd forgotten that bit of info the longer i had my other enell. so, i'm back to wearing one bra (count 'em, sarah and amber) yeaHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! i did not even know i had a bouncy chest whilst running. woopty wooo!

here's to saying NO to temptation today--pray for me and i'll pray for you --if you tell me who you are. say No to:

  1. sugar/flour
  2. eating beTWEEN meals
  3. staying up to watch the tube (the alternative is taping and watching W/ dh on sat nite)

God Bless



Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

One bra??? You're my hero!

And speaking as a northern girl... go buy yourself some running tights, sweetie. Even we Canucks aren't running in shorts any more!

4:32 PM  
Blogger kt said...

s.e: been wearing them ever since! i have 2 pair. sometime i think i'll go out in hubby's long underwear! i don't care...just hate to freeze!

Canuck? Canadian? i'm not p.c. when it comes to that racial slur! just kidding.

yeah, amber will be in PA w/ her fam for a while...apparently they DON'T HAVE INTERNET (gasp!) so she might go somewhere w/ the laptop & log on...but i guess we'll have to wait (ugh!) for details! in other words...might not be soon. next wk perhaps till we know the full monty! but i do know she did SWELL!

8:30 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Yes, Canuck is slang for Canadian. It's not really a slur... It what we call ourselves!

BTW, I meant to tell you that your stats from that day - when you said you were running *slowly*... yeah, an 11-minute mile is my dream, honey! I'd love to go that fast!

2:34 PM  

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