Saturday, November 26, 2005

Portland Beautiful

10.35min/mi avg
6.20min/mi BEST

Well, we made an impromptu trip to Portland day after Thanksgiving. Our Portland relatives came to TriCities for the big celebration. My dear son LOVES my young cousin (they are same age) and had so much fun playing...we decided to elongate the visit by following them home! Quite outta the ordinary. But it seemed doable so we talked it over and made our move. Dear sweet, SEXY hubby stayed work...but we hit the road, jack.

So here we are in their GORGEOUS new home...trying not to covet. I do miss this area. Have always loved it. Alas, do NOT miss the rat race! Traffic, i mean.

But dear Unca Dean took me downtown today in BEAUTIFUL, abnormal, clear weather and we parked and took a 4 mile run...thru downtown, over the steel bridge, along the "Eastside Esplanade" and back over the Hawthorne Bridge. Quite the run. All the more aerobic and interval-y by the stops and starts whilst on the city streets (lights and traffic). We finished strong w/ HILLS, thankyouverymuch. As usual, I'd say he "kicked my butt" cuz it was hard. But our pace was pretty normal for me.

I'm fighting a chest cold AGAIN, and i have lost my voice! First time in my life. It's pretty impairing! So, this a.m. I took a dayquil, then drank lots of my auntie's coffee....she doesn't mix it w/ decaf! Then the run...and afterwards I was pretty puny for a couple of hours. I still feel a little shaky! Weird! I guess i really tone down our coffee more than i thought!

I'm hesitant to write anything too soon. I don't believe in jinxes or the like...BUT... i just don't wanna report too soon. I'm extremely WARY after my knee episode... i've been slowly running.... just 2-4 miles...and i'm following aforementioned sexy dear hubby's advice and running every other day. So, basically I've cut out one run a week. Well, truth be told, my knee feels TERRIFIC. Whassup w/ that? Miracle healing by God? That's what it has to be! Thank You, Lord! You are the mighty Healer. All glory to all areas of my life. I'm so ever-thankful.

love my enell, love my Brooks Beasts (shoes). ran 2 times this wk SANS ipod! big deal for me.

g'nite, all. ~kt


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hey KT! Happy Thanksgiving, girl! (I know... it's a few days late, but I'm thinking about ya!)

Good news on the knee! Yours is better and mine are giving me grief. Argh!

I have learned that holding back just a wee, teeny, tiny bit and cutting out some of the huffy puffy work is totally worth it! Sounds like you had a fabulous run! Rock on.

9:00 PM  

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