Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Trot

10.18min/mi avg
best: 7.32 min/mi (?WOW! i'm still not so sure how it calculates this! =) i highly doubt i'm running a 7.32 mi but, that's what the display reads, so i'm recording it here)

Well, did my 2nd "road race" in one month...after not running one in 9 yrs! It was the Thanksgiving "Turkey Trot!" Cute, huh? Fun fun fun. ** a TON of PEOPLE there! **

I planned to run it all along...thought, what better way to get a workout on the day you spend mostly lazing around and eating! So a few wks ago, called my unca Dean, whom i knew would be in town, & asked if he wanted to run it w/ me. He was the ONLY fam member i could think of who'd be up for it. Turns out I shoulda asked a few more folks...if only for the walk. But i think they woulda had to pay $10/ea. No, i guess they just coulda walked the path on their own. ANYhoo, despite FRIGID temps, we did our little 3mile run in 30 minutes. It was fun and a ggggREAT way to start the day! THANKS, DEAN!

We were going along just fine, nice casual 10/min-mile....for about 2.5 miles. Oh, sometimes it showed 9, but mostly 10. Then about 2.5 miles he starts picking out peops ahead of us to "take!" Okay....I'm thinking....uh, nope, there's no "kick" in me! But I pushed myself to stay w/ him and each person he picked, we passed! So there!

I love being a runner w/ my 58-yr-old uncle!
Fun fun fun.
Thank God for our freedom, for our food, for the roof over our heads! We are so thankful today!


Blogger Bryan said...

Sometimes those older family members still have lots of kick left in them.

Up until just recently, my uncle, who is now 70-years-old, was beating guys at racquetball in their twenties and thirties.

Nice blog.

3:07 AM  

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