Friday, December 02, 2005

No Run, No GOOD Excuse

i'm wallerin'


well, there WAS snow yesterday...and the aftermath of wet, yuckiness today...

but what, really, is the excuse?

i missed wed's run which was the first mistake. couldn't get outta bed early enuff...

thurs i shoulda made it up but my neice came to stay all day and she came quite early...still dark....and WAY i'd-a made it up THAT morn.

and then there was this a.m. well, i just stayed up to darn late to make it! and i could hear tires CRUNCHING on icy, broken up snowy stuff that had melted and re-frozen over nite...yuk! i think, when i go, i'll have to go in my old duckie snow/water boots anyhow. not a fun prospect!

after the late nite last nite and mommy not getting up, our WHOLE household was in bed till almost 10 a.m!!! unheard of! granted, both girls had gravitated to OUR bed sometime in the night ... so, for me, at least, "sleep" is a real loose term. more like, immobile semi-consciousness. and an UNCOMFORTABLE position i stayed immobile in, too! ugh! at about 7 when my alarm went off, i moved to dd's bed. tho a twin, MUCH more comfy than being in the midst of dd 4, dhubby, and dd 7! i'm serious, we all fit in there like a puzzle and there is NO moving around for the MOMMY! yuk and ugh! i wonder what dreams they musta had to end up w/ us this nite! ?, here's hoping my saturday will include a morn. run. here's PLANNING an earlier nite. and wouldn'tchya know, i'm STILL playing around w/ a chest cold. dd7 had a unique thought this a.m...."maybe we're all sick cuz we stay inside all day long!" Well, truth be told, i AM sure to get us out most days at some point and i'm REAL conscientious about all getting exercise. so i nix that theory. we ARE planning to get our ducts cleaned out though. i'm thinking that can't hurt! it's a 30something yr old house. gross master!

have i told you lately how much i love my husband and love my children; love being a stay at home mommy and i LOVE caring for my household! even my housework i love! and now, i'm getting out Christmas, i sure have accumulated! we have a bigger house this yr...wonder if i'll be able to find places for everything. we've eliminated a t.v. entertainment center this yr...that was where a ton of the stuff was set for yrs. so, i'm thinking our downstairs windowsills will have to take up the slack.

JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! (no matter what target says!)



Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Sometimes, it's OK to snuggle in bed with people you love (or just get some sleep!) and take a day off running.

We wouldn't want to get obsessive about this or anything, would we?!

Never fear, KT, the roads will be there tomorrow... and hopefully the snow will not! There are more running days ahead for you!!


BTW - I ordered my Enell!

3:57 PM  
Blogger kt said...

great! on the enell. i cannot see how you could be disappointed!

you keep going girlie girl! this year is one of big changes for you!

won't it be nice to not be making ALL the usual new yr's resolutions? you're already DOING them!


7:02 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Ya... that's it...!

Yaay for both of us!

Now to get through December without ballooning... (me, honey, not you!

7:36 PM  

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