Sunday, December 11, 2005

Just call me Frosty

Can only be described as a FRIGID RUN this morning b4 church...CAN YOU BELIEVE i had FROST on my shoulders?! I noticed on the last turn home! Why's that?

8:15a.m. RUN...15 degrees outside


besides the frost on my shoulders, the toes i couldn't feel (but only for a mile), the frost on my eyelashes(! I could SEE it!), the worst parts about this run were #1: feeling like i could fall asleep as i ran--my legs were that tired; and #2: my hands, tho gloved, started to really hurt.

my blogger friend LETA is running the Honolulu Marathon AS I TYPE! you can see her blog link over's "marathon training." GO LETA! she is READY. we'll have to ask her if her lack of sleep 2 nites before the race hurt her or not.

gotta shower then it's off to WORSHIP THE KING! (then i have toddler care today! happy attitude) then time w/ hubby today! yeah for grandparents! date nite. that is why i HAD to get this run in!

i can't believe i had frost on my i'm a pc of meat!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

I've never heard of anyone having frost on their shoulders before either... Hair, yes, shoulders, no... All I can guess is that you were sweating up a storm, sista!

Here, we occasionally get what's called "hoar frost", leaves the trees and ground all pretty and white, like on a Christmas card. Doesn't happen very much, but it sounds a bit like what you had on your shoulders.

Do you have a running vest? They say those are particularly good for winter running...

And if it's windy, I used to put a bit of cotton in my ears, or I'd get an earache. I suppose the iPod earphones would serve the purpose though...

9:55 AM  

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