Icy Cold

40.19 minutes...3.67 miles...average: 10.59 min/mi.....best: 9.02 min/mi
i've taken on a new tack (??)
i'm trying to WAY slow it down. i swear i've tried to bring it down to 11-12 minutes per mile. up there in the stats you see that my avg was about 11 min/mi. Well, it avgs to that cuz from about 2.8 on, i sped up so that lowers the avg. ESPECIALLY (as advised in the The Non Runner's Marathon Trainer) in the beginning of the run. no WONDER i usually have such a hard time for so long in my runs! THANKS, AMBER, for showing me the way!
so, it is actually ENJOYABLE! listening to my music...the best to run to are PETRA, Margaret Becker...those are my all time favs. But i've been listening to the same mix ever since the welch's marathon! (and i'll qualify that, in case someone's reading my blog for the 1st time: i ran on a team of 4 girls...we each ran a ~6 mile leg) So, I'm due to change out my shuffle. BUT since we've re-booted and re-vamped the computers in the household...this means i must DOWNLOAD the software AGAIN and then put in the cds AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! ugh-o-rama! and that gives me no assurances. next thing i know we'll sell that computer which i put it onto. NICE! but ya gotta have music, I SAY. so again i go.
have i mentioned...I LOVE MY GARMIN. i know i have. it's just SO WORTHY of mention!
okay, i just looked up the YAKIMA MARATHON...it's April 1, 2006. then i hooked up a calendar. well, it's a mere 16 wks away. doesn't that sound like a long time? well, to me it does. all i have to measure it by is PREGNANCY. 40 wks ... so then i think of 1/2 a pregnancy (16 wks is a little less than 1/2)...and pregnancy was ETERNAL to me (all 3 times) so i think, "oh, that's FOREVER away!" but whence upon i looked at the ole calendar....well, folks...that doesn't look as far away!
when you look at a calendar, and see how quickly time moves (esp looking BACK on your calendar of the past yr) it is mind boggling. esp.when you have kiddos. (**THIS IS WHY I PUT IN THE PIC...BUT CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO PLACE THE PICS IN THE BODY WHERE I WANT THEM! HELP ME IPODMOMMA!**) the time just goes TOO quickly! when you're dieting...or trying to train for a marathon (?i can't really talk here...YET) each day is a looooong time! ah me.
we just need to be ever-thankful!
so, should i do it? should i make the commitment and GO FOR IT? i know i do love running again. i haven't gone over 5 miles tho. and on the route i'm on, i'm running every 3rd day. so i might have to change "the training" a little to fit my needs. i am REALLY petrified of getting hurt again.
16 wks. i'm gonna go look at my non-runner's guide to see where that puts me. amber ran the philly after training for 13 wks, methinks. and i just found another great blog by doing a search for marathon training. it's INSPIRING! i'll ask her if i can link her on my blog. she does a 'thon in HA this Sunday! Go Leta!
God bless, all! ~~kt
I like the idea of measuring time in pregnancies.
We could use the symbol 'p'. As in, "we lived in Peoria for 3p" (2 years 3 months)
More usefully (performes quick calculation), an 'mp' (or micropregnancy, = 0.000001 of a pregnancy) would equal a little over 24 seconds.
too funny, OLDHALL! i love that you're figuring out equations per pregnancy! it's REALLY how i think nowadays!
KT - does this mean you're expecting??
Amber - Great post, hon! My trainer had me slowing down considerably, too. For me, that's almost walking, but whatever... Have you ever considered using a heart rate monitor?
Thanks for stopping by! Of course, add me. I'll be keeping up with your runs too! :) Have a great weekend, thanks for the shout out and the encouragement!
no sarah! not pg! not me. unfortunado! i'd LOVE to go thru it again! i'd LOVE to have more chilluns. but we made that final decision a mere 5 months after kate the great was born. a decision i regret. not done w/ much prayer.
it's just still how i view time i guess. it's the only thing i can really use, in my simple mind, to measure time. know what i mean? i dunno. it's strange.
Thanks for stopping by. Where should I start? Well, my injury I am hoping is gone and I am testing it out tonight at a group run with the run club that I run with. I have not felt any pain for awhile so I think I am ready to run again, God willing.
Per your other questions. A 50K is about 31 miles. In ultra-running it is the most common race distance. There is also a lot of walking involved in these longer distances because of the terrain that is covered during these races. Salt tablets help me from cramping up because I lose so much salt/eloctrolytes when I am running for a long period time that I deplete my sources. I cannot give you more of a technical reason why, but it is a standard item for ultra-runners to take.
...is your training your Life?
Check my blog for the answer to this one. You inspired my post for the day.
Oh, one more thing, about you running a marathon, YOU CAN DO IT!
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