Monday, December 12, 2005

how many miles?

50K=31 miles
10K=6.2 miles
5K=3.2 miles (?)

sometimes when i'm reading other blogs i find it dificil to comprehend OTHER PEOPLE's mileage! why, oh why, don't they measure them in miles instead of Ks??? easier to come up w/ an even number? but, being AMERICAN, living in AMERICA...where we DO things in inches, miles, quarts, teaspoons, (did i mention inches?)...why, i ask you, can't we just do the old MILES for races? i guess i understand meters for shorter races...otherwise we'd be doing yards or feet. that's silly. but for longer runs....TELL ME IN MILES. then i can go, okay, that's a little more than a marathon. or, okay, that's like 1/2way to Portland. yknow?

just a little beefy thing i got going on. =)


Blogger Black Knight said...

I apologize, going to do the conversion!!

2:52 AM  
Blogger Helly said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I feel lazy just reading about how much you run. Your kids are ADORABLE!!!

5:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good job on the run before church and thanks for your comments. I left a lot out of my post, like I help out at church every Wednesday night as I am the game director for Awana Cubbies, but I did not want to detail my entire life and was trying to keep it short. Keep up the running and I look forward to your progress.

9:23 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

KT - Here's a website for you:

Will help you calcualte your pace in miles or km!

We changed to the metric system when I was in about grade 3, so I'm one of the lucky Canadians who can still think in both systems!

9:52 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

BTW - email me privately about Vancouver, OK? I seriously doubt I'd run it, but it could be fun to come out and cheer you on!

9:56 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for all the support and the shout out!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!

10:42 PM  

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