Thursday, December 15, 2005

Slippery Slogging

stats: Thursday 11:46a.m. 22'F brrrrrrrrrrrr!
51:46 min
4 mi
avg: 12.13min/mi
best: 9.37min/mi

now, i know this is my slowest yet. but, tho i was RARIN' to go...i had to go EVEN SLOWER as it was "slicker than snot on a doorknob" out there! i had to pretty much cross-country-slide-it even on the rockier asphalted areas. the sidewalks were --WOW-- slick. good thing i found out the minute i walked out my front door. actualmente, i'm PLEASANTLY SURPRISED that i didn't slide right out on my keester! you know, even if you slip real violently, yet don't GO DOWN, you can wreck up your back. thankYou, Jesus, i didn't do any of that. there's always tomorrow! (now that sure sounded negative, dint it?)

so, i sloooowly made it over to the school --there's an elementary real close-by-- and got on their grass. school was IN session so i dint feel too comfy running around & around their grass...might've scared the little kiddos! --or the teachers for that matter! i was pretty bundled...and i'm sure i make quite a site. you know, to top it off, by the time i get everything on, and becuz it's been DRY added to the cold, my hair gets more and more staticky...till i COULD look like Aslan!! so, anyway, i ran the perimeter, then on the other side there is this path in sort of an oval w/ some curvy parts...i think it's about .3 miles all the way around. well, i ran around and around that silly thing. it's asphalted but mostly so smooth that it was really icy. there are a few places where it was more rocky (mere yards)...then right on the edges of the path there was like short, flattened, dead grass, and in some places, dirt or gravel. so best as i could i sort of barely-moved-jogged w/ one foot on the "other" surface each stride. HARD, actually! i was breathing harder, tho i was going slower, JUST FOR THE FACT JACK, that i had to pay such close attn and step so carefully!!! and then there were periods of time in which i'd run on the grass.

but HARD, frozen, LuMpY grass is muy dificil to "run" on! sure, it's softer but you're turning your ankle every other step cuz it's so uneven. GOOOOD GRIEF! & you know, i HATE running around and around the same path like that. but it wasn't so bad. i was gonna have to really FIGHT it to make it thru 4 whole miles. but amazingly, by the time i hit 3 i was just IN THE ZONE and could keep on going. i'll prob hurt in unusual places tomorrow since it was like skating and maneuvering instead of like my normal running!

I was listening to the broker by john grisham. i'm into it chapter 20, YOU'D HOPE SO!
i don't think i have it all downloaded, tho. think i'll have to borrow it from library AGAIN to get the rest of it! whaaa?

so, we're ON THE PATH! i'm in wk 2 of 'training for a marathon.' i'm tentatively planning for the yakima marathon first wkd of april. what do you think of that? any comments? specifically, and best(ly) would be ANYONE WHO IS READING WHO HAS RUN IT ?? welcome welcome all. amber hopes to come to town to run it w/ me and whomever else from this area. if i make it to that, i think i'll plan for another in the fall. what do you think of that?

SOMEDAY i might have to do the whole triathalon thing, God willing! wouldn't that be great? to be an all-around athlete?

SO, as if there weren't already enuff questions in this post:
QUESTION OF THE DAY: @ what mileage do you have to start using those icky-sounding gels? how do you carry them? i suppose in the shoe is OUT! i really loathe the idea of doing a fanny pack. i mean, COME ON, i have ENUFF padding! down the enell might work. but i'd look pretty funny trying to fish it out. so, again, comments welcome. rob the runner touched on it in a comment to me...i'll take any more you want to add to that, sir. thanks in advance!

God Bless you all! ~~~~kt~~~~


Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

KT being that I am a really new runner I'd have no idea about those gels, but I have heard some are pretty good - they were giving out samples at my gym once and the kids said they weren't bad. As far as carrying them when you run longer distances, do your running britches have pockets? Or I've seen some running jackets that have a zippered pocket in the back? I think a fanny pack would be too much myself.

Awesome that you've decided to do a marathon! Good for you and how exciting too, I will look forward to reading about your journey toward it.

Maybe for you first tri you could find one that allows you to share the duties? Meaning a 3 man team, one bikes, one runs and the other swims, might be a good way to break into such a thing?

11:04 AM  

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