Saturday, January 07, 2006

end of wk totals: 1/2/06--1/8/06

yes, i know the week actually ENDS tomorrow but there ain't no way in SMELL that i'n runnin tomorra! (my little kiddo girlie girl says, "i'n hungry" instead of i'm...i borrow from her.)

so, anyploo:
this week's training was:
mon rest, sore
tues 2.36 miles
wed rest, ouch
thurs surprisingly easy, fast, great 5 miles
friday rest, sore ... but MUSCLES this time, not joint pain! yeahoo! i love that "good hurt"
sat 10 miles! 2 whole hours. you read that right.
sun (tomorrow) i will rest. sweet, blissful rest. well, as blissful as it gets in a house full of my lovely darling children! oh yeah, and it's not like i will be sleeping in tomorrow. we go to EARLY church! WHICH i loved when it was HOT out by 7 a.m. but in the bleak winter, it is HARD to get up and out at that time of the a.m! that's okay. i just wish i got up that early every day of the week.

okay, you REAL runners. here's my problemo: MAN DO I HAVE A HEAD-ACHE. it is seriously migraineous. what is up w/ that? why does this happen on my long run days? please, advice. i took 2 ibuprofen b4 run; 1 more 1/2 way thru run; 2 on way home from run.

post run, i drank water, ate an apple (over the course of 2 hours), drank power ade (32 oz), ate a few pretzels and 1/2 a ww bagel (i went over to my mom's right afterward to utilize their hot tub so i just nursed that sustenance)_..............

as said, the other thing i did was get into the hot tub...about 1/2 hour after finishing run. i never did take a shower later. could THIS be part of problem. i was in tub for 1/2 hour to 45 mins.

out of all that, WHAT am i doing wrong? i drank a TON of water all nite, only had one cup of coffee this morn...more water; water partway thru run. SO I REALLY DON'T THINK it's from lack of water.

perhaps THAT is it,...the lack of excess coffee in a.m. of the long runs? i limit myself since i will not be near a bathroom and since i will have excess jiggling of the bladder and body that encases it.
so maybe the prob is that i drink too much coffee on reg days.


Blogger Rae said...

Hey! I've heard it's actually very bad to get in the hot tub after a long run. I'm not sure how "long" but the lactic acid build up in your muscles isn't able to return to normal in the hot tub. Maybe try Googling the subject for a more scientific discussion on the topic since I don't remember where I read that!

9:22 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

I've heard the same thing... Apparently a cold shower is better than a hot tub...

Anyway... hope your head feels better soon!

10:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice job on the 10 miler, but I am not sure about the headache thing. I would tend to agree with Rae and Sarah about the hot tub, but have no evidence to support this theory.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

A ... the headache's ... I would definitely argue that it is the lack of coffee in the a.m. that is causing this affect. I know that I get headaches ... even migraneous headaches when I don't have adequate caffeine intake. Drink your coffee!!! hmmm ... my mom used to say Drink you milk ...

B ... tis true about the cold shower. I've read on Runner's World that the elite runners will follow their runs with a cold shower. I know I did when I was doing my longer runs cause that's what C said H did. Course that was back in the heat of the summer as well.

Now I'm off to read about the 10 miles ... well gees, I hope you posted about the 10 miles ... I'll have to go check ...

2:37 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Drink your coffee! Enjoyed reading your blog. Good luck on your running. Oh, and *long* days are days you'll feel out of sorts no matter what. Time is the only cure.

3:54 PM  

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