Wednesday, January 04, 2006

scared of pills

it's hard enuff for me to take ibuprofen. i have heard bad things about alleve...on the stummick.
now i'm trying to gag down my multi-vitamin. then, ibuprofen (now i know i need at least 3 for the anti-inflammatory effect, thx amber). then glucosamine. YUK. i'm supposed to take glucosamine 2x a day. or 2 pills at once. but they are big. brown. ugh-a-lug! yuk!

so, i've kinda gotten used to the ibuprofen. i can slide those down not too big of a problemo.
i've made it thru the multi-vitamin a few days now. for me, the best time to take these is b4 bed. so i can be lying down if they make me nauseous.


ideas? also, since it's made outta CARTILAGE from cows or various animals....yuk...does it REALLY break down in your bod? i read a thorough article about the stuff by Amby Burfoot in runner's world...then asked doc about it. pretty okay w/ it. still sorta grosses me out.

and let it be known, i do sort have a prob w/ gagging down horse pills...size wise... but i'm scared of getting queasy and i'm scared of it doing damage to stomach lining or sumpin.

sidenote: my dd katelin gets "stummy-aches!"

advice requested


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

My suggestion is to think about it differently... Forget they're pills and think of them as "running candies"... Little sweet things that get -- and keep -- you running.

I try to do something similar with those accupuncture needles I get... Stops me from wanting to barf.

10:49 AM  
Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

If the multi or others make tummy hurt of you feel quesy- try taking with a piece of toast or something. Not at the same time but so your tummy isn't empty when you put the vitamins in...

10:57 AM  

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