Sunday, January 01, 2006

end of the week 3 miler ... pain

amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me...i once was lost but NOW I'M FOUND, was blind but now i seeeeeeeeeee....i love the Lord Jesus!

Sunday, JANUARY 1, 2006 1:11 p.m. 38 degrees, dry air, wet road.

well, it was a painful run today. fun b/c my 7 y.o. dd rode her bike w/ me! it's warm enuff again! also a milestone: ran w/o a layer covering my arse. this is news. i am not totally sure how i looked. trying not to care. perfectly warm enuff. of course, had my new wicking shirt on. need to wash today. i've worn it every single run since i bought it. love it!

tried brace on right knee instead of usu. left. thought i'd give my right knee a break. i dunno what part of the mix was 'wrong' (?) but the place where i have self-diagnosed a possible stress fract. was REALLY hurting. i started praying at about 2 miles, for wisdom in picking a doc...or knowing for SURE if i even need to go. you know, you read about the signals ... if it hurts for 2 days in a row, lay off for a day. if it hurts for 2 whole wks, see a doc. well, i guess i'll have to look at my history and see if i've been hard-core running on this marathon schedule for 2 whole wks. who am i kidding. i know i have. but see, the pain comes and goes.

then, i start to panic. what if he says i can't run? (well, i don't always believe what they say anyway.) i wish i had a FRIEND who was a sports med person, plus a runner. wouldn't that be great? as it is, i think i've found a sports med doc who is on my insurance. now, dunno if he's a runner. perhaps i should go visit this p.t. guy i used to see (for p.t after car accident YEARS ago) pretty sure they are all runners there. anyway, back up to that sports med guy (also a g.p.) ... i hear his bedside manner ain't all that great. i want a pro-running opinion.

the one RUNNING doc i know of for sure is an orthapedic guy...gone to all my life...but NOT ON MY INSURANCE any more! ever mentioned that B4? well, Uknow what i mean. love not having to pay full price. hate having to go w/ certain docs instead of who i WANT. irritating beyond belief. esp.once we had kids. REALLY irritating. but i don't want to be a complainer. i'm SO THANKFUL FOR ALL we have and for HAVING INSURANCE COVERAGE AT ALL. let it be known: I'M THANKFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

33.27 min
3.02 miles
11.05 min/mi avg
9.01 min/mi max

...........glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to all men.........


Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

isn't it funny how things go..Your wathcing leta's return from a marathon and I'm watching your preparation for one in anticipation of my own this year.. So please keep it all honest, open and out there :o)

6:22 PM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

prayers are with you for speedy healing!!!

3:49 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I pray things go well with finding a doc and keeping yourself running. Happy New Year!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

You went out without covering your arse?? Please tell me you at least had shorts on?!

As for the knee.... KT, this has been longer than 2 weeks and you know it, girl! Hell, you started having knee problems before I did. ;-)... And I went to the doctor almost a month ago!

At the moment, running is off limits for me, but not forever... healing is important.

OK, I'll get off my soap box for now... I'm just a little worried about ya, sweet pea!

1:59 PM  

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