Monday, December 26, 2005

Running with the wind

Monday, Dec. 26, 2005 12:03 p.m. BALMY then windy, but nice, like 35-45 degrees

33.42 min
3.10 mi
avg 10.52 min/mi
best 5.25 min/mi (i did some sprints but 5.25??)

i went down to the river (i do love that river) and found a path i'd not seen before. it was a loop. since i was only going 3 today, thought i could handle some loopiness. there were actually 2 loops i could kinda make into a figure 8.

now, except for the DUCK POOP, it was ALL GOOD! lower inside of shin still painful when running. but doesn't seem to be getting any worse. so i'm keeping on.

do you think duck poop is considered "softer surfaces" ... those on which it is better to run?

thank You, Lord, for balmy weather, for ducks, and for my river. (it's the Columbia, b.t.w.)


Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

Just be careful you don't slip on that duck poo... then you'll be coming into contact with a hard surface :o)

10:44 AM  

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