Saturday, December 17, 2005


stats: Saturday, Dec.17, 22degrees approx. BUT today there was an icy wind!
thank God it was NOT an ICY course!
1hr 15min(?)
13.27avg min/mi
8.32 best min/mi

week total: 16.58 miles; time: 3.28.38; 3390 calories (is that a pound?just about); 12.35min/mi avg pace overall

WELL NOW! now i know what a 13 min/mi pace feels like. pretty cool! as long as you're not going for time...and WHO IS? i'm going for a MARATHON. I'm "going for:" FINISHING a BIG milestone. I'm not out to win...not out to get PR, nothin' like that!

This was the frigid, famous "Cable Bridge Run" in Pasco, WA. They hoist a Santa up in a crane (this race is mostly sponsored by the Neil Lampson company, famous for the cranes they manufacture!) and HE shoots off the starting gun.

I ran w/ friends from church. 3 of us did the 10K and one gal (who thought she couldn't do the 10K BUT SHE TOTALLY COULDA) did the 5K. one of the 3 of us, B, who ran the 10K, PLACED in her age group! she's just a young thang! me (in the 30-39 age group) and the other B (40-49 group) finished DEAD LAST! yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! B wanted to quit a couple of times but i did NOT want her running alone so, each time she stopped, we just took it down a notch and kept moving. i told her, just BOUNCE. if we just keep an up and down movemnt, even if we BARELY move forward, we'll finish. i guess we coulda stopped and walked a bit anywhere on the course, but i knew for ME, i'd have a hard time restarting. NOT TO MENTION the fact-jack, that if we walked we'd-a FROZE to death!

i wish we weren't LAST but i just thought of this as my wkd --long-- training run. so just doing the miles is all i was concerned with. of COURSE, i coulda run faster. but where would that have left B?

this was also YET ANOTHER notch in the proverbial belt...another road race, my 3rd since starting OVER in september. FUN FUN FUN. so fun to run w/ a billion other people. (okay, so i exaggerate! if there were that many, we wouldn't-a been alone at the end!) BUT it was also an exercise in trying to figure out the right mix of clothes to wear. i swear i went potty 5 times before leaving the house. and then i even had to submit my poor self to standing in line at the port o pots!!! and ENDURE the hothouse ODIFEROUS-ness of the inside of that thing. ugh a lug! ggggross! i have NEVER done that in a race before! (you can tell how many i've done by that statement, huh?)

well, anyhoo, about that QUESTION MARK on the stats...i forGOT (howw?) to push the stop button on mine own contraption when i ran thru the chute! ugh! then we got HOT DR. PEPPER and milled for a few minutos before i realized, and hit it off. that was at one hour, 24 mins. oh well. suffice it to was a long time. i thought i'd do it in 60 or 65 mins. so no biggie. B KEPT apologizing ... but i would really hate it if she never did anything like this again cuz of getting dogged! so, i'm glad to do it.

next wk, 7 miles? where? w/ whom? that will be Christmas eve UNLESS i plan it for Christmas day. i'm still trying every other day. so, we'll see. hmmm: monday3, wed4, fri3, SUNDAY 7. that will be okey dokey. we're doing extendo-family stuff on C-mas EVE. except for church, we'll be JUST OUR IMMEDIATE FAM all the rest of the actual day. so i know i can wing it. yknow what my PLAN will be, tho? to do it in the a.m. before church. much better to have it done and outta the way! church is at 10:45. I CAN DO IT!

week total: 16.58 miles; time: 3.28.38; 3390 calories (is that a pound?just about); 12.35min/mi avg pace overall

PS: I used vaseline today in some places...who out there uses body glide. what's the diff?
OH YEAH: and I took water at the offered place today. wouldn't you know they only offered it at about 3 miles! we coulda used it on the back side of the buildings! it's the industrial part of town. like a ghost town there between bldgs. and lonely as we were "DEAD LAST!" but the water was ICE COLD! weird, huh? i woulda thought they'da served LUKE WARM! good grief. it froze in my throat the second it got in there. not to mention, when 100s of peops throw their cups of ice cold water, an ice rink is formed...which MUSTA been fun for the folks as they were leaving the site! =) hope i brought a smile to your face.


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

It is not the place you finished in that is important... It is the fact that you finished!

And good on ya for supporting another runner! See? I keep telling you that you are an inspiration! ;-)

9:23 PM  
Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

Way to go KT! You never know how you may have just spurred on another new runner by sticking with your friend during the run.

I have to agree some room temp water might have been better than ice cold.

4:07 PM  

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