Thursday, December 15, 2005


okay, wonderful-dear-hubby came home and performed a miracle on the ole ipod shuffle.
actually, we restarted the laptop, and WHOOOPSIES, it worked just fine! ahem.

so don't worry about me and my ipod!

BUT, JUST SO'S YA KNOW.... he did say a co-worker had problems w/ his; he contacted apple; and they REPLACED IT!!! will wonders never cease??? gives ya hope, huh? i was just glad to hear i wouldn't have to go to SHOPKO and beg on my knees. i know i'd get turned down anyway! i do know this guy, tho, mr. john. he gets ANYTHING he wants w/ ANY COMPANY! he makes a phone call, sends and email, or a letter, and I KID YOU NOT, he GETS WHAT HE'S ASKING FOR! it's amazing. and i WILL use him sometime in the future.

it makes me wonder how much these little ipod shuffles cost to manufacture. you know, they gotta be selling like candy. they're about $100 now, i think. do ya think it costs them about $15-20 to make? i dunno.

thanks for any brain function you mighta put into my dilemma. hope you dint lose any time over it. my apologies. i woulda just deleted the post but i dint want you 2B out there, fussin', trying to work on my prollems; just to come back w/ a solution, and get to my blog and the post wasn't there....then you'd think you were bonkers and i'd-a bummed you out and you mightn't ever visit again! i can't handle that!

ah me...a little overboard there.
g'nite and God bless you, every one!


Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to hear your ipod dilemna has been solved.

11:12 PM  

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