Tuesday, December 20, 2005

whoa knee

i think i feel like runner's knee?? oh i pray not. when i stretch out my knee, there is this POP and grating...crackling. but, yknow, i think that's always kinda been there...at times. and now, i really do think SOMEthing akin to the crackling is in both knees so that's norm right?

well, this time i'm determined, if i keep having stuff like this ... i WILL go to a doc. i'm not cemented into the yakima. in factoid, i've found WHIDBEY ISLAND and Sequim-to-Port Angeles (North Cascade something or other) that are MUCH prettier....and i WANT to do one o' them.

i'm just gonna keep the weekday, short runs REAL slow and easy and ice and stretch.
come ON. i've done nothing remarkable in my life...besides birthing 3 beautiful babes...WHICH IS A LOT but i really want to be a marathoner...at least a runner. funny, a few short months ago, i didn't even have my SIGHTS set on the marathon...but i've been won over.

i have a 4 mile in the a.m. promise to ice afterward.... supposed to 2x/day, 10min off and 20 off for a while (?) (different sites say diff things). i need to make a costco run and get more ibuprofen.

MY FOOT PLACEMENT/GAIT: the otra dia, i TRIED to determine how my feet land. it appears to ME that when my foot is IN THE AIR, it is inside UP...like if it had LANDED that way, i'd be landing on the outside ridge of my foot. every "injury" that i think i could possibly have ... ALL say they are from overpronating...WHICH from what i read is when your foot rolls INWARD. i think it would be a stretch, and you'd THINK i would notice if my feet actually went from looking like they were going to land on the outer edge TO landing and ROLLING so far INWARD that it'd be called 'overpronating.' don'tchya think? or am i way off here?

and, i just saw a piece on t.v. about the YMCA! i'm gonna look into it...had no idea we had one here. i'm still skeptical. we'll see. i like the idea of a "Y-Run Club!" which is actually from the Y but it also seems 2B a play on "Why Run?" yknow?

may the Lord bless you and keep you!


Blogger ipodmomma said...

love the pics!!! praying about the knee... and other things too... :)))

have a really lovely day...

10:38 PM  

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