Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve Run

Saturday, 12/24/05 foggy, wet, 35-40 degrees, DOWN BY THE RIVER
1 hour 27 min 51 seconds (on my garmin....but read on)
7.07 miles
12.26 avg min/mi
9.11 best min/mi
supposedly burned 1365 calories!!

well, i tried visualizing a great run. i tried breaking it down into segments. i felt great physically. the hard part was the tedium..... ! ..... 7 miles? tedious? HOW in the WORLD will i keep going further? could it be my 'route?' i did some loops. could it be my choice of music? i hadn't changed the ipod in ages. but i haven't even USED the thing in so long, i thought it would be a good change of pace and thus would suffice. made me wish for a book to listen to.

i'm not complaining, just stating the facts: it was hard cuz of the redundancy.
i'm thrilled that:
  • i DID it!
  • i had a plan (out & back: total of 2 miles; stop @ car for water & strip a layer)
  • i had no pain
  • i still have no pain

well, i dunno about the times. i dint always stop it when i stopped running. i think that's okay sometimes cuz you know you're heart is still for aerobic activity, it can keep running for a time if you're timing how long your body is working out. but if you are really keeping track of mins/mile or total time, etc, this can get complicated.

i was only one mile out and hadta pee. thank God the parks and rec has not locked the bathrooms this yr. I know in yrs past they've locked them during cold weather. So, something musta changed. It's usu. s.o.l. so you go when you can. i REALLY did not wanta be going in the brush this a.m.! My point? well, i was only a mile out, sweating like a royal pigola and to juggle the ipod, gloves, PEEL the tights down, yet not peel the knee brace....and keep everything from touching the nasy ground. ugh! see, the MAIN reason i wanted an out-n-back to the van was i knew i'd need to strip a layer. i was GOOSEBUMPIN when i started! even tho the temp READ warmer, i FELT colder than norm. so anyway, if that paragraph makes any sense, that was my ordeal. i'm glad i went to the toidy that early tho! i couldn't be sure that other bathrooms along the way would be open. so i went when i could.

but, yknow, folks, we're still talking, BARELY MOVING out there! there was one period when 2nd Chapter of Acts was singing GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS and i REALLY got to cruising...I felt like it was an out of body experience. i sped way up, didn't feel a thing and was in a great GROOVE! that was at, like mile 5.5 or so! it was cool. other than that, i was surprised every time i passed a walker! i try to hit my pause button on the ipod every time i pass someone. and i did okay except for this one lady walking her dog. she said SOMETHING, probably Merry Christmas (that was out there a lot this a.m.) and i didn't hear or i woulda responded. I know i missed something cuz i felt her looking at me longer than if we'd just said hiya. yknow? but i didn't want to say WHATD'YA SAY? in case she hadn't said ANYTHING. so that was a little silly.

ON THAT NOTE, I MUST SAY, i live in a super friendly area! THIS is a place, where people TALK to passers-by! yeahoo! Eastern Wa is a FRIENDLY PLACE TO LIVE, FOLKS! COME CHECK US OUT!


sorry so long`~~~~~~~~~kt


Blogger Amber said...

I logged on to update my blog but I had to check yours out first. Glad I did ... 7 miles ... you rock!!! That is quite an accomplishment!!! Doesn't it feel so good to be able to say, hey I ran 7 miles the other day?!?

Jason was reading over my shoulder ... he says "7 miles? Kt ran 7 miles? That is so awesome!".

4:34 PM  
Blogger *jeanne* said...

Seven miles is GREAT!

When I trained for my first marathon (I've now finished FIVE!!!!) I was running a 5K (my 4th race EVER in my life at that point), and someone else fairly new to running was speaking to her friend, a longtime runner's runner. This "real" runner said, "Well, if you can do 7 miles, you can do 10 miles, and if you can do 10, you can do 13." And 13.1 is a HALF Marathon. I don't know WHERE this woman picked up or heard these particular numbers, but I held onto that thought as my long training runs got LONGER and LONGER and LONGER.

And that fall I ran the Baltimore Marathon!

Keep it up! You CAN achieve things you may never have imagined before! Now I tend to think things like, "Oh, this race is *only* a Half Marathon, no problem!" IMAGINE THAT! :-)

9:05 AM  

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