Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Hump day Med. run

Wednesday, 12/28/05 10:00 a.m. overcast, ground wet; sporadic sprinkling till mile 3: RAIN

59.00 min
5.09 mi
avg: 11.36 min/mi
max: 9.00 min/mi

hey, i bought a WICKING shirt the otra noche! weird, huh? runner-geeky of me, huh? well, here's my commercial:

ARE YOU SICK OF wringing out your tee shirt at the end of your run?
ARE YOU SICK OF f-REEZ-ing during your cool-down cuz your shirt is soaking wet and icy?
WELL, buy a POLYESTER "wicking" shirt for your layer closest to your bod!

i mean, who'd-a-thunk it? when, a few months ago, my marathoning friend showed up for the local welch's marathon, which i was running a mere segment of, i helped her pin on her number. i noticed her shirt made of weird material. when she said it was POLYESTER, i was shocked and amazed. "POLYESTER?" I only had visions of polyester, colored pants with that ridge down the front that chubby piano players used to wear at church! (sorry) YUK! so, 2 months later, I BOUGHT a shirt of poly! who'd-a-thunk?

i still had to layer a tee over that cuz it was about 39degrees. tight shorts (i'd call 'em bike shorts except they don't have that chamois in the crotch, yknow?) and capri sweats. (i did buy capris the other night, too, that had a poly blend. but w/ the rain today, i decided to go w/ something i was more sure of. ) then, i DID remember my gloves this time! and no ipod. i was doing a loop of sorts, in our maze neighborhood. it included a pretty steep down hill (which i walked or barely moved down both times) and a slow up grade / longer hill going up which IS SO MUCH EASIER w/ a slower pace! wow! no huffing and puffing any more. and, as advised, i just pretty much focus at my feet or 10 steps ahead.

true to lots of comments in reading material, today's run felt good after 3 miles! that's a long way to run before feeling real good. not hard, breathing wise. just mentally. that's one reason i'm not much for loops. when you're playing the mental game, FOR ME, it's easier to find a reason to quit at the end of one loop. thank God for that 3mile thing, tho, cuz then you could run forever. THEN the only thing to work on is STOPPING at the required mileage so as NOT to OVERdo!

still, i hit 5 miles and it was 58 mins. it's hard for me to stop at 58 mins. "go to one hour" my brain says. "i mean, you're ALMOST there, just keep going." so i sprinted for just a few moments. the clock wasn't going fast enuff so i slowed back down and then stopped before reaching 1 hr. i told myself the important part was the miles. i KNOW it is!

so now, my next dilEMma is working out my 8 miler on sat. not only is it always a dilemma to find a route. i mean, it's easy w/ the garmin to know my mileage, but WHERE TO GO? i've been thinking of enlisting my folks to meet me at like mile 5 or six for a water break and, POSSIBLY ... should i?.....possibly some sort of GU or sumpin! wow, when i break down and buy THAT stuff, i will REALLY BE A RUNNER-GEEK! =) i'm thinking i'll just start by buying gatorade.
also, i could have my fam come and ride their bikes w/ me for a few miles. then they could bring me gatorade. it wouldn't be as lonely as doing loops around the car!

onward and upward....all glory to my FATHER who created me!


Blogger Unknown said...

kt, I suppose you're going to tell me you're still wearing cotton socks too? Good luck on the 8 miler. I know you can do it, but don't feel the need to take any Gu just yet. Especially if it's going to make you feel like a Geek (insert laugh here).

1:25 PM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

well done! I'm running vicariously through you... :)))

and feeling pretty good too! ha ha ha...

run on, and my prayers are with you!

11:38 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

Wow, you are a running geek ... I don't even have any funky running clothes. Well except for the smart wool socks, which are way cool btw. I bought my socks after my first 16 mile run, ended up with 2 holes in my socks. So tell me, was the 'wicking' shirt worth it? Do I need one?

Ahhh the GU ... feel the need girl ... feel the need. Then you will surely be a 'true runner'. I personally partake of a GU anytime my run goes over an hour. I started out with the tri-berry. It wasn't bad, then I found that I felt like gagging every time I partook. Finally decided to try chocolate, which I have no idea why I didn't try chocolate to begin with because I LOVE chocolate. Chocolate is much better, almost like a nice treat.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

WOW you've been at this longer than me and I couldn't imagine on those cold days how utterly cold you musta been wearing cotton clothing.. I love my wicking clothes - I even use them when doing workouts at the gym.. I HATE the feel of sweaty clothes next to my body..

Whats wrong with cotton socks? have to head over to rob's blog and ask.. want every advantage I can get!

5:38 PM  
Blogger kt said...

yes, i think i do wear cotton sox! and i haven't had any problemos.
let me tell you, these brooks beasts are amaaaaazing! no blisters EVER, no nuttin!
okay, i'll not do GU but i did buy my first gatorade today!
AMBER: i think the wicking shirt went well. i wasn't wet or cold!

7:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

kt, I started with the Brooks Beast as well and loved them. The other option on the socks is made with cool max, or products that are similar to the wicking shirts. If you do encounter blisters while building your mileage you might try changing the socks. I took some time to answer some of the questions that you and others had as well. I look forward to your progress towards complete geek status. God Bless.

10:36 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

I have to say, I'm with Rob on the socks. Cotton is for hanging out at home, but not for running. CoolMax is for running!

Oh yeah, and anything that wicks is good. We are blessed with this store here called Mountain Equipment Co-Op ( A lot of their clothes are too long for me (you know... 5' and all...) but lots of people swear by their clothes and out-of-towners make a point to stop by there when they're here. Lots of wicking stuff there...

8:41 PM  

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