Tuesday, January 03, 2006

ewww it's dark and frosty out there

can U believe i came here for inspiration. God, help me here, please.
i actually did roll my tired, cozy self outta bed at 630 am ... in the dark ... & DIDN'T let my tired self get back into the bed.
nope, brushed my teeth and started the laborious task of the enell bra and commenced the layering.
being up so early and leaving requires feeding the cats. (embarrassingly and hard-to-admittingly: THREE of them.) ugh.
so, here 'tis 7:13am and here i sit.
i went outside. stretched. worked on setting my forerunner to go off every mile (to do the walk one minute at ever mile thing). couldn't face it. came back in.
okay, now i'm gonna go.
thought maybe i'd get inspiration from all the commenters on my blog. no, not yet. the faithful, i'm sure will respond in SOME fashion. remember, i am seeing the DOC this a.m!
i did read a lot of helpful stuff in runner's world mag last nite whist icing my shins, tibias and knees! about glucosamine (all positive...miraculous, even) and about my gait or my footfall or how i push off ...how THAT could be my 'problem.' too bad it says you really have to go to like a UNIVERSITY that specializes in running gait to try and work on the problem.
can't i JUST run?
Oh, Lord, what is the lesson 2B learned here? Guide me, teach me. Make me moldable.
okay, now i'm gonna go.


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

OK, so lemme get this straight... you live in a town where even the doctor's offices' potties are under lock and key, and you go out and run ... alone... in the dark?


You must be one tough mama!

Glad to hear you're going to the doc. Keep us posted!

9:46 AM  
Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

Please please never change the way you write! I love reading your blog and I honestly get a smile every single time!

Glucosamine and Chondrotin together (usually found in one pill) work wonders..However it will take some time for it to work into your system.

It is hard to get out there by yourself period. let alone when its dark and chilly and you have a longer run scheduled.

Hope all went well at DR today.. I have chiro appt on Thursday myself for some hip pain.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hope the doctors visit went well.

8:52 PM  

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