Monday, January 02, 2006

what a pleasant experience

i wonder why i avoid the doc office.
okay, let's forget the fact that there is a VERY tired, cranky toddler-kiddo screeching to be let down and to play. her mom is very loudly reproaching her...very loudly 'shush'ing her (why do we ALL need to be shushed? i thought the whole point of shushing was to keep things QUIETer...but NOOOO, we must all listen to "SHHHSSSH" loud as day)

***time out. i thought i was funny. as soon as that poor family got called in (i think the staff had pity on us and just moved them to their own exam room) you could almost feel the collective sigh of relief. i said, out loud, "i wonder what the total blood pressure in this room is right now?" and i even laughed out loud.
not too many REALLY SICK people laughed w/ me but the relief was PALPABLE. one guy actually said the kid might need some discipline.
i bet the little girl is happy HE IS NOT HER DAD!
in all MY wisdom, i was thinking more along the lines of: when daddy has to go to the doctor, mommy stays home with little-girl-who-would-rather-be-playing-w/-her-dollies-than-sitting-on-a-CHAIR-IN-A-WAITING-ROOM-FOR-A-GAZILLION-HOURS. what do you think of that?***

forget the fact that after 45 minutes of waiting, 4 people going AHEAD of me tho they arrived AFTER me, having to be BUZZED into the bathroom (okay, i'm in podunk-town here, must we use high-tech, high-security POTTY PLACES??? before that, i WASN'T scared to squat and pee.) ...I STILL was not going to see a doctor for QUITE aWHILE....

forget the fact that i was sitting there having doubts about this whole thing..."Lord, should I really be here?" i was pressing on the offending bone, feeling if it REALLY hurt today --yep. i kept coming back to, "i'll get an x-ray and i will RULE OUT stress fracture and get some good M.D. advice." so there i'd sit again....hoping not to get the hideous flu or lung disease from the INFECTED (the "really sick") people around me.

finally, i told the very nice (really, she was) receptionist i'd have to come back another day. at which point she SCHEDULED me an APPOINTMENT (novel idea) for the next morn! turns out, at this walk-in clinic (whose doc IS on the acceptable-docs-for-my-insurance list), if you CALL-AHEAD you can GET YOUR NAME ON A LIST, which puts you higher up in the order for being called once you physically come in! FUNNY. i DID call in. they didn't tell me about that option.

wonder why i hate the whole doctor's office visit routine??

postscript: and guess what? tonite, i feel pretty good, and i'm itching for a run in the morn! tomorrow is my scheduled 5 miler for the wk. wkday medium run. i think i'll go for it. if i can drag my bootie outta bed early enuff. then i'll be good and sore or whatever when i go to the doc. =) my dh says, "remember, honey, they can't SEE your pain." usually i brush off comments like that at first, only to later realize they had some deep meaning at which point i again go, wow, what a man i married! =) do you see the deeper meaning? enlighten me. it might come to me later.

also: i had the wonderful chance to visit this afternoon w/ a friend and her hubby. he has been home from iraq for nearly a year now. THX, JAMES, FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY. anyhoo, his job here in the U.S. is doing xrays and mri.s i think...some sort of imaging, anyway. he succinctly pointed out that they wouldn't be able to see a stress fracture on an xray anyway. need a bone scan. yes, i've read that. so, again, i'm questioning my decision to go. but what's my alternative. besides the off chance that a sports med doc will appear out of the woodwork and OFFER his opinion to me..... this is the best thing i can think of. how i wish i knew someone...


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