Tuesday, January 03, 2006

no stress fracture found

okay, about the doc visit. i was there from 9 a.m. to 11:44 a.m. only about 10 minutes out in the waiting room but at least an hour in the exam room b4 i saw the doc! but he was super cool nice. not very informed about anything sports medicine, tho. wonder why their office is listed sports med in the phone book?

he did take xrays and didn't SEE any stress fracture. thinks it must be 'deep tissue' (am i getting that right?) ... said that ibuprofen has such a short 1/2 life (ahh take me back to chem...YUK) that it doesn't last in your bod that long. suggested i take 2 alleve 2x a day! yeahoo! i'm not big on taking anything...i definitely wasn't taking enuff ibuprofen to stay in my body all the time. i didn't know that was the goal. now that i know ... i guess perhaps i will take more o'dat stuff!

he was sympathetic to my 'cause' and never once told me i would need to quit running! that was my biggest fear. he agreed my knees aren't tracking...he listed it as patella tunnel syndrome...is that right? he thinks perhaps my lower leg problem stems from plantar fascitis. i was hoping THAT term would not come up in our conversation. to me, plantar fasc--- sounds like a TERMINAL diagnosis.

this nice doc was openly dumb about running in itself. kept promoting that i talk w/ the local running club and get their pick for a good sports med doc/place. DUUUUUHHH!!! I sorta KNEW i should do this. but, that IS sorta WHY i went THERE! i wonder if i should try to get my money back for today's appt? i guess it was informative in that i got the xrays. and the diagnosis of the knee thing.

i know i should call the local running club. i dunno what i've been waiting for. i guess kinda in denial about the whole thing. i hate to be a crying wolf.

another plus: he said he didn't think running w/ the brace is a problem.

is that everything? i think that's all. i'll go ahead and try for my scheduled 3 miler on thursday. i've read a LOT today about taking it easy. i wonder if i should be training for this marathon after all. i wonder if i should just run; easy, short runs; and shoot for 6 months away or sumpin?

i will pursue sports med. and i bought glucosamine today. possibly my overattempt to go lightly on my feet over corrected and i caused my own problem. perhaps if i back off on trying to land softly my gait will correct my pain problems.

over and out. any comments welcome!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

No stress fracture! Woo hoo! That must be a huge burden off your shoulders.

From the little I've read, I understand that p.f. is not that uncommon with runners and you can deal with it... Take heart, sweetie... you're not alone on this journey of yours.

I'm sooo glad you went to the doc.... and so very, very pleased for you that it isn't a fracture!

Run on, KT!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Amber said...

Praise the Lord ... I'm glad that he didn't see any signs of a stress fracture!!!

So are you gonna actually call the local running club?!?

6:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Don't give up on the marathon, but remember there are lots of them out there so don't feel like you have to do Yakima. You could always pick a summer marathon like Seafair in July, or North Olympic Discovery in June is one I highly recommend. Just trying to give you options. Take care and God Bless!

8:09 PM  
Blogger Olga said...

Newport in OR is high on many's list, look into it. As for every other day running - it is a great way to stay injury free and feshly excited for running. Make your running days hard: intervals, tempo and long run, and on other days x-train. It works, sometimes even better!

12:25 PM  

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