Thursday, January 05, 2006

under 9 min mile

oh my goodness! i just did the math since my garmin was doing funky things (i'm sure it was MY problemo) and didn't keep track of my min/ i did over 5 miles in about 45 minutes. even w/o the extra .5 miles and the minutes it took for that (cuz it would still average out) and even w/ the walking... i think i ran under a 9 minute mile.

yknow what this tells me...if i'm right about that.... is that i still have it in me. i wonder... could all my aches and pains be becuz of my wallowing pace?

i know this can't be. but it 'tis WEIRD, ain't it?

well, that explains why my hamstrings hurt tonite! i LOVE THAT! that's the backs-of-your-legs muscles, right? hams? quads in front? well anyway, cool! maybe one run a week i SHOULD run out on a busy street! what thinkest thou(s)?

thank You, Lord. for making me. for giving me lungs and legs. for letting me run!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Cool! I don't think I've ever run that fast in my life... Not even when I was running twenty steps to catch the bus!

10:45 AM  
Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

I KNOW I've not run that fast :o)
Kudo's to you KT! I gotta confess that all your talk about your garmin had me jealous so I bought one. I had a gift card to our local running store and we went in the other day, they had one 301 left and it was $200 - now I just have to learn to play with it once this hip feels better!

10:50 AM  

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