Thursday, January 05, 2006

no good title--creatively challenged

thx Rob the runner and Amber and Sarah and Kim for all the encouragement! you guys rock!
i need all the running expertise i can get. serious thanks! my bro gets thanks too. but he won't comment on my BLOG, only pvt email. he doesn't want to 'go public' w/ advice! why???? the WORLD would BENEFIT from what you have to say, my dear.

i wasn't even sure i was gonna go today. but this is how it works.

you hafta start at last nite's early bedtime. dh said, when he came home on his lunch (to fix dvd player vs. t.v. after he rearranged furniture earlier in day) THAT if i couldn't fight the munchies to GO TO BED. i said, what about all this mess? looking around the kitchen...keep in mind he's a real clean freak. while cleaning, i could stay up all nite, and i could keep eating! so, being the dh he is, he gave me this idea...(like i haven't thought of it b4) .. he said he'd RATHER have me go to bed and WIN that battle over food then have the kitchen cleaned up. wow. but gotta love him.

so, went to bed early w/ the girls in my bed. didn't have to fight katelin that way. dh puts them in their beds when he gets home. SOMEHOW kate ended up BACK IN OUR BED some time in the nite. good grief gerdie! i think we were ALL on MY SIDE of the bed by 3a.m.! whassup w/ that??

so, up at 6:45 w/ alarm, morning coffee x3 or so. i take it w/ milk and sugar free flavorings. somewhere this a.m. i also had 1/2 a w.w. bagel and 3 ibuprofens. (amber alerted me that you have to take 600mg of whatever it is i'm taking to actually do the job.)

9:00 a.m., d.s. and i started on his schoolwork. got a good 2 hours' done. euphoria! if you have a son, you know how like pulling teeth this can be at times! there were a few loads of laundry thrown in there too.

by 11:30 i'm feeling pretty good. wondering if i can still knock out a run b4 dh goes to work. i had to get to the bank today. sometime in the last 15 hours he musta mentioned something about RUNNING there to do the deposit. so, it's in my brain. only problem is that i'd have to run all the way down a BUSY ROAD. oh me! gasp. shudder.

got dressed and musta left by 12:15...cuz here's the stats.
12:15 p.m. Thursday, 1/5/06
**5.29 mi
there was one stoplite where i forgot to turn back on the watch...i think i lost about 1/2 mile. also, something was funky on my garmin...somehow it says my BEST (max) was 1.15min/mi! ha! now THAT is fun-ny! it also says 8.35min/mi avg. i know this can't be. somehow i had something extra going on there, so when i tried to pause my stopwatch thingy, it "autopaused" it...that was weird. i decided to just let it go since i almost BIT THE DUST while trying to fiddle w/ it. when i was in line (for an age) at the bank, i took off that option. but as you can see it messed up my stats.

so, we know i ran at LEAST 45 min and at least 5.29 miles. i walked the first 3/4 mile; walked up the last hill to my house, about a block; and the VERY last block to my home. i prolly only lost .5 miles when i forgot to turn back on my garmin.

blah blah blah

for the! it felt aaahhhhsome! why? ibuprofen? hyped up on coffee? (for you health nuts out there criticizing...i also drank a ton of water this a.m.....evidenced by the factoid that i went POTTY approx. 10 times this a.m....then 2x right before leaving house...and approx 15 minutes into run, definitely had to go again. thank God i'd gone b4 run. else i might not have made it thru!

no pain whatsoever. whaaaa???
i ran pretty fast at times and had to really CONCENTRATE on keeping it slow. i was well aware i might just be flying becuz i had taken those ibuprofens. but keep in mind i was on a busy road. what does that have to do w/ it? well, since i know 1/2 the people in this town, good chance a bunch of people i KNOW drove past me! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! i hate that thought. i TRIED to not pay any attn. to the extent that i almost bit it a few times. i really did try to watch my feet. it's a little difficult to watch the road i'm running on, the cars coming at me (tho there was a big shoulder), and keep breathing and pace under control.

so... there we have it!
that is how i go from thinking i'll just lay off till saturday's 10 miler to give bones/tissue a rest.
i fear you're just bored to ttttteeeeeears!
i started to say sorry but i forgot, IT'S MY BLOG. not sorry that i wrote about me in my blog. bored? don't read! =)

oh yeah...there were 2 really cool things about my run, BESIDES THE FACT THAT I CAN:

I. i walked in to the bank, feeling a little foolish. the VERY 1ST PERSON I SAW was ANOTHER RUNNER! same idea i had! we smiled and talked right away!

II. listening to Petra and Passion (both praise cds) on my ipod shuffle. yknow the "breath" song? "everything that hath breath praise the Lord!" well, just as i was BREATHING hard, i started huffing, "praise You, Lord, that i HAVE breath...Praise You, Lord" etc etc etc.
not that WOWish but it was a cool moment. there in the midst of midday traffic. ya gotta love it!

so this is my week:
monday rest day
tuesday 5 mile plan...2.3 actual
wed rest, recover day
thursday 5+miles ... makeup and cuz felt great and cuz had to 'get to the bank' !
friday rest day
saturday 10 miler!
sunday, rest day

start over again on monday. 4 miles
wk of 1/9-1/15: 4-5-4-11
wk of 1/16-1/22: 4-6-4-12
wk of 1/23-1/29: 4-6-4-13



Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

I think it's great that you're planning on running only every other day. Isn't that what all the books say?

My trainer and physio both say that every other day is just fine. (BTW, hon, your "off" days are a fine time to do weight training! Hint, hint, nudge, nudge...)

As for the coffee... It's like anything... some in moderation won't kill ya! I only have 1-2 cups a day... but I'd be a basket case w/o it!

What's up with the Garmin?

10:44 AM  

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