Friday, January 06, 2006

running movies or anything on celluloid

hi. any suggestions pls.
i have scoured my library. i come away with CHARIOTS OF FIRE (seen it. love it. now let's move on.), "endurance" (yet to watch it)...and that's about it. endurance looks like a documentary of sorts. it's okay. i actually would like docs over a real movie. unless it was a real movie about someone's journey to marathon or some such thing.

either my library is a silly, small town thing (very likely...our tri-city herald --newspaper-- is un-affectionately called "the tri-cycle herald") OR there is NOTHING out there.

help. i would even like to watch old footage of past olympics about running. have you ever been GLUED to the t.v. watching running events? that ALWAYS made me put DOWN the chips and dip, drop to the floor and start stretching...and as soon as it was over i'd be out hitting the pavement! great inspiration. but also, in a doc-type movie would have tips etc. from the big names, i'm sure.

i'm sure there's at least a movie out there about prefontaine. i've yet to find it. i used to read Ann Kiemel books. she was a Christian speaker and author who trained for a marathon. HER books, actually, gave me a deep-seated FEAR of the marathon training. it, for me, has been NOTHING like what she described YET! she had HORROR stories to tell. i think, basically, when people used to train for a marathon, they ONLY trained the EVERY-DAY-WAY. and lots of long long long runs. like doing a marathon every week. the NEW way is sooo much better. i mean, the proof will be in the pudding but that's what i'm thinking, by what i've read so far. (a lot.)

what about joan benoit samuelson? i mean there is stuff out there on joyner-kersee and griffith joyner. i find kid's books about them. i'm looking for distance runner docs or books!

comments welcome. **thanks in advance!!**


Blogger Olga said...

Running through the wall (though for a much longer stuff than a marathon) is very inspiring night read. Daniel's formula is good for any advice possible. There is a movie (old) about Dipsea run, don't remember the name, I just saw, pretty cool for a get-your-butt-in-gear, like it all doable for anyone. Good luck!

12:29 PM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

I will think and think... and see what I come up with...

there's that bicycling movie, Breaking Away, but you are running...

and running pretty well, by the sounds of things.... :)))

12:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The two mainstream Prefontaine movies are "Without Limits" and "Prefontaine." I have Without Limits and think it is a great movie about the life of Prefontaine and about running. I think it is very motivational to watch and it drives my wife crazy.

If you want to watch something really crazy to get another perspective on running I would highly recommend, "Running on the Sun." It is a documentary about the Badwater Ultra Marathon.

As far as the questions you asked me about the Seafair Marathon it is not usually hot, but the course is pretty hilly. The running group I run with is pretty far from both Longview and Seattle. There are quite a few running groups in Seattle, but I am not sure about Longview. My best suggestion would be to tell them to go to and I believe there is a link for all the running clubs in Washington. I would encourage you to take the plunge as well. It may give you some extra guidance and support. Good Luck and God Bless!

9:14 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hi KT, don't know of any running movies myself, but just wanted to stop by and say hi.

I'll check in again and see what other recommendations you get... Hope you don't mind if I piggy back off you for that! ;-)

Happy running!

8:48 AM  

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