Sunday, January 08, 2006

new week and I'M SORE

not joint pain, don'worry! not bad. but my MUSCLES are sooorrre!! now, i do love that 'good-hurt' MUSCLE pain. i'll take this ANY day over the joint; knee; what-feels-like-BONE-pain-but-no-fracture-shows-up-on-x-rays kind of pain!!! hooo-weeeee.

post long run
weird. headache lasted till late afternoon yester-long-run-day. today woke up WAY EARLY w/ no head ache and less than norm aches and pains. after church down time w/ kids. (translate: kids and i all laying around on a bed, doing fun talking, reading, laughing, tickling TYPE stuff.) well, that always turns into the kids sitting on me in various places...i usu. have them rub my back, legs, etc. it felt so good. then i fell asleep for minutes at a time. i think overall, i maybe caught 15 minutes.

but when i woke up, o.good.grief! sore-NESS! isn't that weird? that DELAYED soreness? tonight i've been sitting on the floor, stretching and stretching. hams, calves (big time), ankles (no icky pain here, just feels good to stretch), tops of feet, bottoms of feet, even my upper and lower back ( these must be from lungs,...?). well, this is all new to me. not the muscle soreness. that's how i ALWAYS used to feel after running....cuz my running has ALWAYS been sporadic. now that i'm CONSISTENT, i hardly ever have sore muscles...i've been plagued w/ JOINT pain. so this is a nice change!

THANKS for all the advice. i too think hot tub post run mightn't be a good thing. problem with drinking my usu. am't of coffee in the a.m. is the am't of milk that would take AND that i'd have to (excuse me:) peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee very 15 steps! on days when my run is later or shorter run days, i usu.DO drink more. but on a day like yesterday, i was loathe to partake of my normal am't.

i will take some fine-tuning. since none of you suffer from that phenomena, i will not worry about it. try diff'rent stuff like mentioned. and look forward and upward.

did i mention that i musta hit a physical WALL at 9 miles? that last mile, it was like i didn't have anything left. weird cuz the WHOLE time b4 that i was TOTALLY FINE. somewhere between miles 3 & 5 i did use the tactic of counting steps. i just thought i'd try it out. even tho i didn't NEED to. it was fun. made some time go by. did i mention praying too? we prayed jointly at one when i left the group i prayed. out loud. alone. it was cool. i oft pray but never aloud. i've SUNG aloud but not pray.

different stuff. diff.experiences. fun. interesting. seeing how far your bod can go. setting a goal and going for it. finding strength you didn't know you had. it's all very cool. it's cool to be pushing 40, never having done anything bona fide MAJOR in your life, EVER, and then all of a sudden, thru a series of CIRCUMSTANCES, have this opportunity to GO FOR something HUGE! 2 challenge yourself in a way never dreamed. and have it be .. attainable. (i'm still scared a little to even say that. i mean it's not like i've actually done it.)

thank you
thank you again, christie for challenging me....running w/ me. for giving it to me straight on more than one occasion. to hope the cheerleader. to amber for inspiration. major! to sarah for encouragement & new friendship! also to ipodmomma, kim, oldhall. to robtherunner for advice! to all the commentors who encourage, support, advise, etc.

thank you, family: g, k, e, b, mom and dad for supporting my cause w/ the awesome garmin and (m,d) the enell! i feel like i should have your names emblazoned on my running gear! thanks my dear hubby for supporting me! you rock. i love you bunches. and to my kiddos for having patience ... i know you're not suffering. only way i'd do this.

well, now, that's the way to get mushy, eh? and that won't be the last time!

what's ahead:
mon 4 miles
tues rest
wed 5
thurs rest
friday 4
sat rest
sunday 11

this works out great this wk, doing every other day. the only change i'll make to the schedule would be to do the long run fri and the extra 4 miler on sunday. we shall see. it might depend on running groups/partners. the only other thing i MIGHT consider if i get joint-sore this week...would be to have 2 rest days in a row somewhere. if i do that i'd run the long run saturday.

i can't tell you how awesome it is to run WITH SOMEONE for at least the 1st part of a long run. yesterday i only actually ran side by side w/ peops for about 1/2 hour. but i felt like we were together for a full 1/2 of my long run. it really broke it up. i didn't feel so alone. AMBER: you gotta try it!

on the movie front
tonite i did watch "endurance." it is a documentary about Haile Gebrselassie who won the 10,000 meters in the atlanta olympics in 1996. WILL SOMEONE PLS tell me how far that is? anyway, he's from ethiopia and it's a pretty cool movie. liked it. disney out-of-the-ordinary documentary.


Blogger Unknown said...

kt, First of all a quick math lesson for you just to make it easier for ya.
5K= 3.1 miles
10,000 meters aka 10K= 6.2 miles
50K= 31 miles
Hopefully this will help you when reading other people's postings. As far as answers on time in the 50K it depends on the elevation change. I have run a 50K in 4:22 on flat surface versus this one that took 6:50. It is all relative to the amount of elevation gain there is. On your question about going to the bathroom in the woods. Yes, sometimes we have to go number 2. I usually carry TP with me if there are no aid stations, or bathrooms, just in case, but I also take immodium before the race if I know that I am going to be stuck out in the woods.

Thanks for the recap on how you are feeling. God Bless and take care.

8:38 AM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

Haile is a fab runner, just saw him over the summer at the track champs in Oslo... his last run, I think?

10k... hmmm... not sure, but if 40k is a marathon, 26 miles, then maybe 7 miles? a good long run!!!

I love watching marathons, am a big Paula Radcliffe fan, mostly because the UK has very few #1 sporting folks, and she really runs well...

glad the soreness isn't the bad kind... :)))


9:16 AM  
Blogger Amber said...

I am starting to imagine that running with someone might actually be kinda fun ... trouble is I don't know anyone ... I'm all the way across countr from my closest friends ... who are runners now?!? not then?!?

Oh yeah ... and then there is the problem with my pace ...y'all run like twice as fast as me ...

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are really getting some neat responses from all over. That is incredible. There are some really good people out there for you to correspond with. I'm sure there are some that you don't want to meet, also. (Always some weirdos.) Keep it up. I am so proud of you!! Hope you write a book, soon. You will keep everyone laughing. You have such tremendous humor! You are such a great Mom, Wife, Daughter, etc., etc. and Godly Woman. I adore you, Daughter! Love, Dad

3:12 PM  
Blogger Tree said...

Hi! Thanks for the comment on my site.
Um, and WOW I admire what you're doing; running is just not for me! Asthma prevents it, but I don't think I could do it anyway. All that...moving real fast...and...gasping for breath...and whatnot.
Ugh I'm lazy.
Anyway, I shall endeavor to live vicariously through you! Keep it up!

6:51 PM  
Blogger YankeeAmanda said...

Wow, kudos to you for getting out there and running. At this stage of my crazy life, I count myself blessed if I can squeeze in a good 15 minutes of physical activity in a day. Good for you!

7:21 PM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

KT - Here's a present for ya:

If it makes you feel any better, I walked 3 miles on the treadmill today and had to figure out that it was just shy of 5K. You're not the only one who has trouble with conversions. :-)

Hope you're feeling better soon...

9:21 PM  

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