Monday, January 09, 2006

hills, lite rain, wind, speed

Monday run, plan 4 miles; hilly but nice flat road surface (un"cambered"), great gravelly shoulder too; sprinkling for 1st 1/2 mile; sun came out from clouds; little wind 1 p.m.
4.27 miles
42.03 minutes

not even gonna put my avges anymore. what's the point? i was really just doing it cuz it's LISTED on my GARMIN FORERUNNER (***qwik qwes--chee--OWN here: how do people put something like <<--that in highlighted blue, so that when the reader puts their mouse on it, it actually takes it to a link for the garmin forerunner???? PLS ADVISE!) ... but i don't really need to list it. i mean, if you just have a BASIC knowledge of mathematics you can DO THE MATH roughly. so it's really not necessary. PLUS, i'm not one of you runners who actually RUN FOR TIME. i just do it to do it. git'er done, i say! it's very fulfilling...but i shall run to run at this juncture. some day in future time perhaps i will run to beat records. who knows. i know for sho' it-ain't now.

i think what i felt for 1st 3/4 mile (approx) could be described as shin splints. on my left leg, the pain is in the rt place for them. on my rt leg, it is a little low. (location of where i thought i had a stress fracture...tibia, low.) but i'd taken 2 ibuprofen b4 run.

wow, HARD going for good mile. hills help w/ that. but i think i ran faster than norm. experimented w/ arm swings (like esp up the hillls...using arms more to lift me); on flatter or down hill surfaces sped up but still tried to soften blow w/ foot falls. gettin' me? am i explaining well? so, anyway, why'd i think i went faster? cuz of hills. overall my pace was pretty norm, but considering there were hills, it musta been faster. i really pushed it up the hills. it was like, i don't wanna be running this hill any LONGER than i have to, LET'S GET IT OVER WITH!

lotsa stretching. if my legs don't feel much better wed, i'll skip (so i'll have 2 rest days under my belt) and run 4-5 on thurs, then my long run sat. it is a little dificil to know what to do. when trying to be my own trainer (but this is where rob the runner, christie, and others come in, sarah, amber) i have to decide when to back off, when to push thru...i have to evaluate the pain. it's not like i'm wimping out, i don't think. cuz on my rest day, i usu feel some pain...think, i probly won't run tomorrow. then comes the run day and i'm like I'VE GOT TO GET OUT THERE! I MEAN, THE NEED...i NEVER thought i'd feel this way! it's so weird, new, diff'rent, cool, inspiring, etc.! i know sarah and rob feel this too. (rob X a-million, but YAknow!)

usually, on the run day (every other day being run day, opposite days being rest days), i feel great and can't WAIT to get out there. then i GET out there, start to run and OH MY GOSH. ouch! but after a mile feels purty darn good. all the wiggles are out...i get into a groove, and the road is MINE.

today, despite the pre-run ibuprofen, shins hurt again 3/4 of the way thru run...why i feel i might need to wait 2 days to run again. perhaps i should start waiting 2 days to run AFTER my long runs. what are your ideas. if i have to go every other day to start w/; have to have a 2 day break somewhere in there, HOW SHOULD I ORDER MY WEEKS? i'm sure you'll let me know, and thank you in advance.
somebody's gonna praise His Name, somebody's gonna call Him Lord; it'll either be you and me, OR it's gonna be a rock or tree...somebody...somebody's gonna praise His Name!!!
((((from today's run))))
from Petra


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Those links are called hyper links. You put them in the same was web links. Try it out and let us know how it works, OK?

PS: Have your CDs arrived? It's been over a week!

11:34 AM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

love reading about your running!!!

I tried a tiny bit the other day, and my back and knee are just now getting back to not being painful...

so you run, I'll walk and one day we'll meet up for a coffee/tea somewhere... :)))

12:43 PM  
Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

Hey girly are you sick this week or just plain ole busy?

7:07 PM  

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