Thursday, December 22, 2005

Warmer weather...which way is it going?

thursday run (yes, i skipped TWO DAYS but it was so icy yesterday i couldn't risk closures and 45 wrecks around town! worth it to stay inside) 9:52 a.m. BALMY...(i'm writing this in retrospect) i think it was about 40 degrees! again, i was strippin on the way!

39.49 min
3.23 mi
12.20 min/mi avg
7.17 min/mi best (don't remember that)

it felt great. well, actually, felt like crapola for about 2 miles but finally it GOT good! again, IT FEELS GOOD WHEN IT'S OVER FOLKS! ran w/ b.i.l's knee brace! thanks B! 7 miles on sat. is what's on the plate.

can i be on a no sugar/no flour diet and get enuff carbs to do the long distances? that's the current question. heel bothering me during the days now.

JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THIS GLORIOUS SEASON. i pray this finds you trusting in Him as your Saviour! we ARE NOT the masters of our individual universes! (universii?)
God Bless~~~~~~~~~~kt


Blogger D said...

Hey Mom on the Run (I love your blog name), thanks for your comment. I keep hearing horror stories about that cortisone shot! I feel like chickening out, but I won't.

Re your overpronating comments, I think the stats are something like 80% of runners overpronate. If you walk w/your feet pointing outward, the odds are you overpronate. If your foot strikes in the outer edge, it makes sense that the only direction for your foot to roll is inward. If you walk w/your feet in, then you would most likely supinate when you run. I believe it all has something to do w/ones arches. There are a lot of articles out there on the subject. A specialty running shoe store would ask you to walk for them and determine what kind of runner you are and match the shoes to your running styles.

Sorry for the book post. Merry Christmas.

11:30 AM  
Blogger ipodmomma said...

have a great day, and we send you all many Happy Christmas wishes! I need to walk, but so glad you got back out there!!!

2:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Merry Christmas kt and God Bless.

3:54 PM  

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