Sunday, December 25, 2005


yes, dear bro, i have now ENTERED THE WORLD of techno-geek-o-mania. i have hooked up my garmin forerunner 301 to my pc and yes, i have delved into it. I DID IT! thank you ONCE AGAIN! i love it, i do.

it is pretty cool. i still feel unworthy. but i so love it when i'm out there running, trying to get my miles in, and i don't have to follow a certain course. AND i don't have to "drive my route" anymore! my kids, esp. love that exception to our days!

i did, however, use the 'workout' part of the setup. there is this calendar and you can schedule future workouts. i mapped out the next 15 wks or so...the wkly runs, the long wkd runs, etc. to the day of the marathon. at this point, my stomach started to cramp up. well, actually, it was when i was posting such runs as 10, 13, 14....18 miles. lions and tigers and

well, i'm PLANNING on it. and i'm SO EXCITED. i am praying my bod holds up. my lungs are my best friends. they are ggggreat partners in this crime. love my enell, love my garmin forerunner (come ON, can i call it a "foremin?" fore(runner)+(gar)min ===hey, thanks), love my ipod (tho, admit i need more variety or possibly READING material on it next loooong run), love God's creation (can't get over it, seriously) my fam for being excited w/ me.

i'll just keep keeping on as long as i'm able, k?
i'll keep you POSTed =)

happy Jesus' birthday!


Blogger ipodmomma said...

there's so much I want to say, but let's just do this-

God's got you on a plan, and I am so jazzed to be able to hear about it, via the blog...

keep running, and let Him take you there!!!!

12:29 AM  
Blogger D said...

CONGRATS on your new forerunner! I have the same model and LOVE IT!!!!!! I feel your excitement.

good job on your recent 7 miler.

IF you suspect you have a stress fracture you should get it checked. Usually it hurts when you push on it. With mine, I was in excruciating pain. The biggest mistake I made was running a 5 mile race with the stress fracture. I think it put my recovery time back at least a month. It was NOT worth it. Hopefully you do not have a stress fracture. Hope you had a merry christmas!

5:28 PM  
Blogger Kewl Nitrox said...

Ok, I have no idea what is a Gamin Forerunner (isn't that a car?). :) But if it gets you out the door running, it's all good!

4:08 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Sheesh, girl, you're almost as excited about this, as you were about the Enell! I may have to investigate.

BTW, if you're interested, e-mail me privately with your snail mail address and I'll send you a CD of the songs I have affectionately dubbed "Running Tunes" on my iPod. (All purchased music of course...!)

3:40 PM  

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