Sunday, January 15, 2006

another day another alleve

hey! well, i went out: 4 p.m. clear, sunny, even. brisk but nice. i met up w/ my running TEAM. well, out of 4 of us (ran together last wk too), 2 of them ran the whole 10, i started at mile 4 and ran 6, and 1 (w/ major heel pain) started at mile 7 or 8, planning on running 2-3 but had to bag right much pain she almost threw up! and, sun went down by mile 7.5 or 8, temp seemed to drop 5 degrees, AND there was a steep hill for about a 1/2 mile!

man, i was HURTIN from the start. usu the pain subsides w/in a matter of 7-10 minutes. not this time. i had ibuprofen an hour b4 too. what is up w/ that? around that mile 7.5 or 8 (boy a LOT happened right then, huh?) i slowed down and tried to walk/run down that hill. well, if i stopped and walked, it calmed down; then as i began running again, OWEEEEE, but then it would kind of numb up! weird.

got to the ending point (one of our homes) and i was at like 5.8 or so. so, OF COURSE, i kept running. i am NOT gonna stop at 5.8. sorrY! so way, jose. so, YAY, altogether 6.04 in 1 hour 18 minutes.

walking up the steps to the house, MUCHO painola. w/in a little while, tho, not so bad.

went home, kids at gparents for the nite, hubby home from snowmobiling in the mountains, and we decided to GO OUT. never! never do we go "out!" (well, hubby begs to differ. he says, "rarely.") y'see, we really enjoy "home dates!" we have the kiddos over nite @ one of the grandparents' homes...then we rent a movie, start a fire, and HAVE OURSELVES a fun date at home! we've only been in this house a year. we love it. so, anyhoo. we had a gift card from red lobster. so, i'sa showered and out we went. feeling pretty good too! couldn't be-LIEVE how much pain i'd been in during that run!

the other thing i have to awesome enell? i've ALWAYS struggled w/ the very bottom of where the eyehooks end, yknow? i've always worn one of those round make-up pads right there. but, of late, and with THIS enell (the new one), it is harder or sharper right there. the makeup pad is worthless! i mean, it's raw there! so i slathered it with neosporin, cut a washcloth in 1/2 and tucked IT in there. then, there was a mixup and i was in a hurry, when i met up for the start of my run, and i ditched the rag and used the makeup pad.

GUESS WHAT? when we got to the house, i took it out and was telling them about it, and i noticed it was red. i squeezed it and BLOOD is seeping out! i took it to the sink and WRUNG OUT THE BLOOD! my chest, we're talking right at the bottom/center of my rib cage, is rubbed RAW! i will try to take a pic and post it here.

that's it, baby. i had lobster pizza at the restaurant (it's on the appetizer menu). we both brought some home. WOW. it was great! and we didn't eat till stuffed. felt great.

watched mr & mrs smith. dumb. nasty. waste o' time. but all else fine! we're hitting the sack early. i'm thinking i need more sleep these days too.

and, did you catch that my run today means i ran 2 days in a row? and, tho i know it doesn't really COUNT, i did run 11 miles this wkd. just not at once.

praise God from Whom all blessings flow


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

That owie sounds nah-stay! Hope you're feeling better?

8:22 PM  

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