Thursday, December 29, 2005

can't run 2 days in a row

and THANK God someone sent me Jeff Galloway's link. he writes about pain-free running.
he suggests running every other day. wow, whatta concept! hmmmm...who advised me this way RECENTLY?? ummmm, could it be DH??? mr. non-athlete, non-runner, himself! way to go, hun-bun! he (JG) says you should have 48 hrs between runs. yeahooo! so, i don't feel like a total sloth today.

couldn't do it. i was still sore this a.m. from yesterday's run. and the sore isn't muscles. it's a little tricky. i HAVE BEEN worried about a stress fracture. well, not too certain about that but i really want to take it easy. i've slowed my pace, i'm much more careful how i step, i'm trying to stay OFF concrete.... & this last thing, running every other day. i'm a little concerned about getting the 'needed' mileage per week. wkly totals. but i can still get my wkd long run in. i just think, i don't need to stress about it. i could possibly walk on my extra short run day of the wk. but running again, like this wk, after my midweek 5 miler, was just too much.

so, here i go over-explaining myself.
but tonite, i'm pondering doing my 8 miler tomorrow instead of sat! dh is home till 1:30 during wkdays so i have longer to do it. on sat he'll go in around 10 a.m. So i'd have to get up super earlier. gonna also try to get a friend to run at least partway with me. try a new route, posible! wa-la!
another reason....I'M EXCITED TO DO IT...I WANNA DO IT TOMORROW ... SOONER THAN LATER! weird, huh? legs achin' to run! this is a new, odd life i'm living!

God Bless y'all!


Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hhhmmm... so I read this post after reading that you ran the 8 miles.

Stress fracture??? Get thee to a sports medicine doctor soon, honey bee! Just to be sure... OK??

8:36 PM  
Blogger Kimberly Rae said...

Don't consider it overexplaining. I for one appreciate it, when I begin the training for my marathon it will be most helpful as it is now and besides its like we are in your head, to me that's kinda cool, I like the way you write. Maybe that's cause you think like I do and can go off on tangents :o)

6:08 AM  

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